Saturday, April 21, 2012

We Will Tell You Next Time

As some of you know from previous posts, someone close to me went in for major surgery.  That surgery happened to be a triple bypass.  Today we stopped to visit and it was the first time that I have been able to really talk to him.  I really don't understand why they sent him home with so little information about his diet.

So obviously with that kind of operation you know his diet needs to watch a lot of things (salt, fat, cholesterol). But they told him to just continue with the diet he was following for his diabetes and start watching the salt.  What is with that?  Those needs aren't even close!  But what makes it even worse is that they didn't even give him some numbers to follow with regards to what watching his sodium intake means.  So he (or should I say his wife) is guessing at what is appropriate until he gets to talk to his doctor again.  And the worst part is that his doctor will probably tell him he needs to talk to a registered dietitian.  By the time he finally gets some answers on what levels of each thing he should use as a guide it will be months!

It is just annoys me the way in which these doctors rack up the visits (and thus the cash) in this way.  This is someone who is really concerned about his health.  They should have at least given him a pamphlet with either some basic information or a web address where he can get some basic information!

Luck for him he has someone with long term care friends and the willingness to help out with searching the web.

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