Friday, April 13, 2012

How to Wreck a Life

Today's big headline that caught my attention was the announcement by Zach Tomaselli.  There is nothing like ruining someone's life just to get your 15 minutes of fame.  And don't get  me wrong, he isn't the only one to blame here!

Step one, select a hot topic in the media that will allow for a lawsuit.  Step two, find someone that is high profile (read that as wealthy) who you may be able to accuse of this topic.  Step three, lie as much as you can.  Step four, find someone to corroborate your story so it is more believable.  Hire a high profile lawyer and sue everyone that said something negative about you that has money and may settle out of court.

So last night, via email to SU Basketball blog Nation of Orange, Mr. Tomaselli announced that everything he said in regards to being abused by Bernie Fine was a lie.  I'm not going to go into the detail of the story as that was already done (read the article here).  Instead I am going to complain about what went wrong here.  To begin with, what was there for him to gain by doing this.  My guess is it was an attempt to come up with the typical "it wasn't my fault" defense that has gone rampant throughout the United States justice system (thought I ranted about it before but I can't find it).  You know the idea, something happened in their childhood that prevents their actions from being their own fault.  Well, in this case it didn't work.  And my guess is that since he is spending time in jail for abusing a child (I believe it was only one).  He was recently sentenced to 3 years in prison for his crimes.  My thought is that he has had time to think about what he did (to the child and Fine) and wants to come clean with it.  The unfortunate thing is that he can't fix the lives of either anymore.  The child will be the victim of abuse for the rest of his life and Fine's life as he knew it is over.

But as I stated at the beginning, it isn't all his fault (regarding Fine).  It is all his fault with regards to the child that he abused.  The media went wild with this and overreacted, publishing just about anything that he stated just to get additional views on their broadcasts, websites, and RSS feeds.  It didn't matter that the evidence wasn't solid, and in fact full of holes.  But they reported on it anyway and Mr. Fine lost his job and has had many of his possessions taken.  Now that his life has been turned upside down, how is he going to get it back?  I will guess that in 3 years when Mr. Tomaselli is released we will hear how he is struggling to get his life back.  The thing that bothers me about it is that he did this to himself, Mr. Fine didn't and he will never get his life back.

These media outlets should do the right thing and help Mr. Fine out.  Granted there are two outstanding cases against him but those have serious holes in them as well.  Let the justice system do their job!

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