Monday, April 9, 2012

More Idiots on Animals

Oh my, one stupid story brings on another!  Caught the local news again tonight and all I could think of was that this was another bunch of Hippocrates.  They were complaining about more wildlife in their yards.

This group was people complaining about coyotes coming and chasing their pets.  Their concern wasn't really for their pets, it was for their kids.  They didn't bother to talk to the news when their cats were being chased two months ago.  Nope, they decided to wait until the kids wanted to go out to the back yard to play.  Part of this whole story that bothers me is that their pets were really an afterthought.  But the whole thing is that these people are just like those that complained about the deer in their yard last week (check out that rant here) in that they only want to see wildlife when it isn't near their house.  Just stupid if you ask me!

So they had a solution, hire a private exterminator to kill them with a bow.  What the heck are they thinking?  Apparently they don't watch the news at all.  Just a year ago they did a story about coyotes in the outskirts of Oswego (a small city north of Syracuse on the shores of Lake Ontario).  Those people weren't complaining like these were.  It was a story about how the DEC said it wouldn't help to kill them off because others would just move in.  Those residents just said that they wouldn't let their pets or children out alone.  Wow, what a concept!  Spend time with the kids!

If this new group of people want to pay for this exterminator, I guess I don't have too much of an issue.  If they are expecting taxes to pay for it then there is a problem.  The DEC, though there are issues with them, are the experts with regards to balancing things.  They know it will not help to kill them off.

The other problem there is comes from the balance thing.  The only potential predator to deer (remember the other rant here) is a pack of coyotes.  Granted, they aren't going to take out too many but even if they only get a couple per year it is more than none!

People need to make up their minds whether they want wildlife or not.  It is an all or nothing type of thing.  If you kill off all the predators in the area, you are going to start complaining about all those "cute" rabbits eating your flowers.

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