Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another Stupid Person Sighting

Caught the local news tonight and boy did they give me a really good one.  This time the stupid person pointed out some of the problems that are going to continue to grow as society continues to change their ways.  But remember, hunting is a supposedly a bad thing.

So the story was about residents of Syracuse complaining about deer in their yards.  The problem I have is that this lady stated that she wasn't happy when she came home from the store and saw a three of them in her yard. Her exact words where, "When I saw them in my yard I was not happy."  I don't know what these people are thinking.  Humans are expanding more and more.  This means that the territory that these animals have is shrinking.  They are doing what animals do, adapt.  They have been moving into cities all over the country and there is no reason Syracuse should be any different.

I think what bothers me the most is that these people are some of the same ones that will argue that hunting is a bad thing.  What they fail to realize is that humans are about the only predator to the deer in this area.  Top that off with the decline of hunters and you have a situation where the population of deer is growing.  And as I stated earlier, they have begun to adapt to cities where they can find an abundance of really nice plants to eat.

So I guess these people need to make a choice as the deer have obviously adapted to city life.  Of course, they are probably going to just continue to complain and expect someone to magically make things better.

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