Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Foreign Aid

You know I may have talked about this once before but I think it is an important topic.  It was mentioned on the news just the other night (that was the post I forgot and it was overridden by the stupid statements last night) and I really have a strong opinion on the whole idea of helping others because it is in our best interest.  The story stated that the United States has promised an additional $12 million to the rebels in Syria.  That is correct, additional.  I believe the story stated that we have given $22 million prior to this.

I have two issues with this whole thing.  First of all, aren't we in a recession still?  Where is the money coming from?  This is a big part of the reason that we are having these financial issues.  We keep giving money away with no expectation of having it returned.  Why should I have to work and pay taxes just to pay for these wars which seem to be never ending?  Let them pay for it!

The other issue that I have is that we are constantly being the big brother to everyone.  One of the reasons that I have heard with regards to extremist groups not liking us is that we keep getting in the middle of things.  Perhaps we should learn a lesson from Star Trek on this one.  When they found a new civilization they just observed it without being seen (I know, the geek is coming out).  But there isn't any reason that we should be constantly sticking our nose in and funding one group but not the other.  Perhaps we would be in a better place both financially and in world opinion if we did.

At some point the Chinese government is going to stop purchasing our savings bonds and all of this money we are giving away is going to have to come from the tax payers.  Congress doesn't care because it doesn't really cause them problems, they will get paid as long as they spin the truth enough to get reelected.

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