Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Me Me Me

We weren't paying much attention to the television tonight so one of the home makeover shows came on that we don't normally watch because it isn't something that we like.  The premise of the show is that these homeowners are going to do something in preparation for selling their house.  I think you can figure out which one I'm talking about.

The show starts out with a real estate professional comes in and appraises the house and gives them suggestions.  They then do what they planned to do anyway.  This is where I have a problem.  I haven't seen one of these where the house is valued at less than $225k and it is rare that their budget is less than $15k.  How many of us have that kind of house with that kind of cash to change it?  And the show goes another step by making it look as if these people are doing all the work themselves with the host.  This particular one was a house valued at $475k.  There was a lot of talking by the host so my guess is that they were really stretching to show these homeowners doing the work.

But what pushes it over the top with annoyance is that every time when the professional reappraises the property the value goes up more than what they put into it.  And what is the point?  These people aren't really looking to sell.  They are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame and to show off how much money they have. They don't care about learning something or even if you learn something.  They just want the attention.

What is the United States coming to?  Just about everyone will do anything to get famous and be on TV.  I only have one thing to say, grow up...

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