Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Smoking Lie

I have griped in the past about the NYS Smoker Cessation Program but the latest commercial has brought me back to it.  This one is something that I can actually use personal experience to prove them wrong!

The latest commercial shows them performing "surgery" on someone's neck on, as they say, the main artery that supplies blood to the brain.  The claim is that it is filled with fat and can cause strokes and whatnot.  I'm not arguing that fact, if the artery is blocked it can cause that.

What I'm arguing about is that they state that smoking causes fat to build up in your arteries and cause heart attacks and stroke.  Wait a minute!  If I am correct, and I might not be totally as I'm not a doctor, fat buildup in the arteries is caused by eating too much fat and not exercising.  This is what the cholesterol testing is done for, to prevent this buildup.  I have never smoked a day in my life yet I have high cholesterol, and I'm sure that there are places where the fat has built up in my arteries.  The problem with the commercial is that it states it is caused by smoking.  The truth is that smoking may make it worse but it doesn't cause it.  And there are plenty of smokers that don't have these issues, my brother is a perfect example of that.

I agree that smoking is a bad habit but I don't think that spending a lot of money to show ads that are full of lies and scare tactics are the right way to go nor do I think they are going to make much of a difference.  Perhaps the truth will hurt their cause as much as they hope the "truth" will support it.

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