Monday, May 7, 2012

Gluten Free Diet

There was a piece on the news tonight regarding the huge upswing in people putting themselves on a gluten free diet.  It said that it has become popular because some celebrities have credited it with giving them their "great" bodies.  Wow how far from the truth that is!

Yep, that's right I don't believe that a gluten free diet is causing any celebrity to be thin.  These celebrities spend a large amount of time with personal trainers and dietitians.  And let's not forget the number of them that have cosmetic work done as well.  To give credit to a diet is just ridiculous!  Tell the whole truth for a change!

The whole story started because Domino's is now offering a gluten free crust for their pizza.  They then moved on to state that the amount of gluten free food being sold has outgrown the need.  Here is my problem with their assumption.  More and more often people are being correctly diagnosed with celiac disease.  That is a digestive issue where gluten irritates the intestines and can cause serious harm.  When someone is diagnosed with this often others in the family will eat the gluten free items also.  Think about it, when you were growing up how often did you have something different than the rest of the family?  I know that is a lot different now than it was back when I was a kid but for the most part families eat the same stuff as much as possible.  This means that there will be more people eating gluten free products than what is absolutely necessary.

And if it is so bad for you to avoid gluten, how is it that the low carbohydrates diets are good for you?  In that you are avoiding carbohydrates so, a large source of those are found in items containing gluten.  That means that for the most part you are avoiding gluten there as well.  What is the difference?

I think that it isn't really a horrible thing for the additional usage.  It gives companies incentive to compete.  Once you get a few companies in the mix you will get better and better product at lower and lower prices.  It is a good thing!  Why make it out to be a really bad thing?


  1. Not sure if I follow your post? Are you upset with all the people all the sudden promoting gluten free? I can tell you for sure, a fact, I stopped eatting gluten after an allergic reaction caused my skin to burn up. I knew gluten caused exzema and associated the burnt skin to the food I was consuming, I was eatting the $5 dollar foot long subway or a few slices of pizza everyday for lunch.

    My skin is as clear as it has been since before high school and I am over 40. My beer belly is gone and I have not drank beer in 5 years and soda in over 2 years.

    I just have to say, getting gluten out of your diet, maybe the simplest cure to most ailments.

  2. Sorry if my post wasn't completely clear on what ticked me off. Sometimes I get going and lose track of what started me on a tangent.

    In this case, I am complaining about the way in which they were making it sound like people were going on a gluten free diet just as a way in which to lose weight. I don't believe, even in your case, going gluten free is really going to make a huge difference in weight control. As an example, it looks like you made a lot of changes to your overall diet as part of removing the gluten. You haven't stated that you had either a foot long sub or a couple of slices of pizza everyday for lunch. I have to give Subway some credit in that their sandwiches are much better than other fast food but they are still very high in calories. Replacing those lunches with something that is healthy will make a huge difference in your weight, regardless of the gluten piece of things.

    Congratulations on the weight loss and thanks for taking the time to read my post.
