Saturday, May 19, 2012

Artificial Sweeteners

Beautiful day today so I didn't get to watch any television until now (9pm).  That is the kind of day that I like.  But I did have to go shopping for some groceries and I found something while there.

I was looking at the drink additives for water and got a little excited seeing a couple of really cool looking flavors.  But I then saw that they were all zero calorie!  Everything is sweetened with artificial sweeteners of one kind or another.  It really ticks me off that they assume that you are flavoring water because you are trying to lose weight.  What is wrong with having a some sugar to sweeten these things?  Even if it is something like 10 calories for those of us who just want to add a little flavor.  I am trying to lose weight but I don't feel that the number of calories that would be in one of these things sweetened with sugar.

And this is part of the problem that there is with people getting so heavy.  They drink a diet soft drink and think that they are going to lose weight.  When I worked at Burger King we used to laugh at these people.  They would order something like a double Whopper with cheese and bacon topped with extra mayo.  They would make it a King Size combo with French fries and a diet Coke.  What is the point unless you are a diabetic?  For the most part these people were highly overweight and since they were regulars (a few times a week) at the restaurant, it was pretty obvious why, and it had nothing to do with the beverages.

Before anyone goes completely nuts on me, there is one exception.  That would be TruLemon or TruOrange.  This product is very good and only gives you 5 calories per serving.  It isn't sweetened with anything except the natural sugars.  Why can't more of these additives be like this?

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