Sunday, May 20, 2012

Google+ Drawback

Another beautiful day today and I avoided television after I watched the NASCAR All Start race with my oldest.  I'm not a fan but I love spending time with the kids.  But that actually lead me to doing something that I have done many times but I tried something different this time just to share the experience.

My wife and I were sitting in our gazebo and there wasn't any should except the breeze rustling the leaves, crickets, a few birds, and several Gray Tree Frogs.  It was a really wonderful sound so I decided to record it and share it with some folks on Google+ that I have had some conversations with regarding nature.  I got the recording and converted it to an MP3 without a problem.  They I was going to share it directly from my phone but couldn't find a way to do it.  So I figured it wasn't a problem, I'll pull out the computer and upload it that way.  Problem is that you can only share a picture, video, or link!  I figured maybe it would handle an MP3 by saying it was a video but that didn't work.

Next step was to turn to the non-help.  This isn't something that is unique to Google but it is something that I believe I have complained about in the past (yep, here).  That turned out to be worthless as I expected.  So I tried to do a general web search.  That failed as the only information that came up was how to embed music into a web page.

So I did the next best thing, I converted it to a video and uploaded it.  What a waste!  I'm sure it really has something to do with concern over copyrights that bands may have but that shouldn't really fall on Google, it should fall on the one who posted the song.  The real issue that I see is that the "video" was more than twice the size as the audio had been.  Where is the logic there?

Oh well, I guess Google doesn't care about the amount of space taken up by video.  Just doesn't make any sense to me, but what do I know?

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