Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Connected Issue

Tonight is about something that is becoming a really funny event to most of us.  Unfortunately, the government seems to think they need to stick their nose in because they, once again, think they know what is best and how you should live your life.

A majority of people in this day and age are carrying either a smartphone or a texting enabled phone.  And many have seen the YouTube videos of people looking at their phones and walking in to things (like a fountain at the mall).  They are now calling this distracted walking and the government wants to step in and make it illegal.  Of course, you know I have a problem with this.

Here is my first suggestion.  Let these people that feel paying attention to what they are texting is more important then their surroundings get hurt!  Maybe it will get rid of some of the stupid people!  Just kidding, mostly.  Seriously though, put the phone down if you can't do two things at once!  If it is that important they will call, if it isn't that important they will wait.  My mother used to get annoyed with my father because he wouldn't answer the phone even though it was right next to him.  He would then tell her that the phone was there for his convenience and it wasn't convenient for him to pick it up at the time.  People need to start thinking like that more often!  I just find it completely amazing that so many people feel the need to constantly text and check their phones.  What would these kids have done 20 years ago when sending a text wasn't something that was possible?  The world has become too connected and people need to start putting the phone away and/or down.

On to the government's role.  They need to stay out of this!  If things keep going this way there will be no freedom to do anything that you want.  You will only be allowed to send a text message while completely stationary.  There will be a new fee added to cellular carrier bills for tracking your texting habits via GPS and the government will know where you are at all times.  Not to mention that the carriers will have that GPS data just sitting there, and that will "cost them millions" even though you are paying a fee for it so they will sell the data and state that it doesn't personally identify you.

Alright, that is a little over the top but you get the point.  We really need to think a bit more about when and where we are using our phones.  Be smart about it!  Don't be the next YouTube viral video where you take a dunk in the fountain.

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