Monday, July 30, 2012

Bubble Wrap That

Tonight is something that I believe I have talked about before however I can't find the post.  I guess if you want to find out more about the previous post you will have to search through.  The basics of the previous post was regarding the stupidity of people and their texting.  This is really an extension of that.

So the last time I talked about this the government was considering making it illegal to text and walk at the same time because people are so focused on their text messages that they are actually getting hurt.  There are even reports that some have died from their injuries!  Holy crap people, put the freaking phone down!  What could be so important that you don't see things like walls, fountains, or a road?  I can't think of anything!

So on the news tonight they talked about how some local governments have gone to the extreme of fining you $85 if you are caught walking and texting at the same time.  I had to rewind it just to be sure that I heard that correctly!  If this actually becomes a law, where will it stop?  Are they going to tell us that we must begin to follow the Meatless Monday trend that is going around?

This is just a stupid law on more levels then just the potential for controlling what you can and can't do.  Where is the money going to come from to enforce this?  There are already a lot of financial issues at all levels of government, and adding additional enforcement needs is just a stupid idea!  How about doing some good things like figuring out how to balance the budgets and reduce the deficit?

Something like this becoming a law is just another way in which our politicians are wasting time and money.  It would be very nice if they would stop turning common sense things into laws that need to be enforced by officers that we can't afford.  How about parents start being parents and teach kids that they need to pay attention to the world around them!

I have something as a suggestion also, at least for those running Android.  There is an app in the Play Store called Transparent Screen Original that might help.  It takes advantage of your camera by putting a transparent view of what it sees over whatever app you are using.  I've given it a try and it works as advertised.  Of course, I use common sense and pay attention to the world around me so I can't say that it works really well.

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