Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hair Loss

What a story I have for you tonight!  This is the stupidest thing that I have heard in a long time.  And that doesn't include the doctor that they interviewed for the story.  I have told my wife for many years that if I lose too much more hair I am going to just shave it off.  No lotions, shampoos, and definitively no pills.  And this was reinforced with this story.

That's right, it has to do with the most popular prescription drug on the market, Propecia.  Apparently, one of the major potential side effects is erectile dis-function.  Wow, makes me want to run right out and get me some!  So why is this a story?  Well, apparently there was an independent study that spoke to some who were having the side effects and caused the ABC "investigative reporters" to start looking deeper into the story (yes, I put it in quotes because I don't think they investigate, they follow up on a story given to them).  The independent group found that 90% of the men they spoke with were having one or more of the possible side effects as well as some additional conditions.  That's a really high percentage of people to have the side effects no matter what type of drug you are talking about.  In fact, since all of the 90% were having the erectile dis-function issue, I would find it very hard to believe that the government would allow the drug to be sold.  So how could something with such a high percentage of people having the side effects get past the government?  Pretty simple, that 90% was 49 of 54 people, that's right, they are basing all of this on 54 people!  I can't believe that ABC would base an entire story on this!

I think what makes this even more annoying is the fact that these people are crying about the results.  Everyone is so concerned with staying young they are willing to take chances.  In this case, they are paying for it and putting the blame on someone else for their actions.  Grow old gracefully people!  It is part of life and will happen no matter what you do!

So what about the doctor?  He was completely serious when he said this, these men should "be told about the significant small risks" from taking this drug.  What?  I actually had to rewind it to be sure I heard him correctly.  Then I had to rewind it to let my wife hear for herself why I was laughing so hard!

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