Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gavels and Media

Anyone up for a bonus rant tonight?  Well read on!  By now you have probably heard or read about the lifeguard who was fired for going outside his zone.  I have to say that I'm impressed with his actions and the actions of his fellow lifeguards!

So you may be asking what my problem is with this story, right?  Let us begin with part one of the problem.  The reason he was fired was for violating company policy and going outside his zone.  The purpose of the policy was to protect the company he worked for from liability issues.  This problem is something like this should be ignored.  I don't believe there is any court in the world that would convict someone for attempting to save someone's life, especially if you are trained to do so.  But this company is so consumed with their fear of getting sued that they are willing to allow someone to drown just to cover their behind!  What is wrong with people?  And this is one of the biggest problems here in the United States (and possibly the world in general).  Everyone wants to get rich quick so they don't have to work at all.  And since most people can't play sports well enough to make money that leaves the unlikely win in a lottery drawing or winning a lawsuit.  What ever happened to hard work to make a living?

I said that was part one, now for part two and that has to do with the update from tonight.  The company who employed Mr. Lopez offered him his job back stating that he shouldn't have been fired for his actions.  If that is truly the case, why is there a policy stating that he can't leave his zone?  The real truth is that there has been so much pressure from people such as myself stating how wrong their policy is that they felt they had to.  And that pressure, I'm sure, started with the media questioning representatives of the company for answers.  And this is the other issue that there is in the United States, the media can change everything.  In this case it worked for the best but that isn't always the case.  There are many more situations where the media's influence is a bad thing.  I'm most impressed with the fact that he turned down their offer because it was "too late."  Good for him!

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