Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pointless Study, You Bet!

Yep, I caught some of the local news tonight and they revealed yet another stupid study!  This one told you just how you could extend your life by 2 whole years.  Really, I'm not making this up.

Are you curious yet what this study was about?  Sitting!  That's right, they wasted a large amount of money to study the effects of people sitting on their health.  So what is the catch?  How do you extend your life by 2 years?  Don't sit for more then 3 hours a day.  Yep, some how this study came up with the result that sitting for more then 3 hours a day is worse for you then being obese.

They didn't go in depth with the details about how many people they studied or how long they studied them but I can already tell you that it is flawed!  Just as with all of the other studies that supposedly extend your life, how can they prove this?  Do they have some connection to God that none of the rest of us don't?  I always thought that claim was reserved just for the clergy.

But let's look at the reality of how pointless this study.  I commute roughly 35 minutes each way, most of which is on the highway.  You need to keep in mind that I live in a relatively small city and get to work before any kind of rush hour.  That isn't the case for most people whose commute, I believe, averages nearly an hour each way.  That's 2 hours of sitting in a car while you drive to work!  But let's top that off with the fact that most of us sit at work.  That's another 8 hours for most people!  Where are we supposed to get away with only sitting for 3 hours a day?

Just another perfect example of why we are having major financial troubles in this country.

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