Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tsunami Debris

Finally a nice night out so I was able to cut the grass but missed the news.  No matter, I did some reading and was amazed at how stupid some people in politics can be.

By now you have heard that a floating dock from a Japanese port washed up on an Oregon beach.  And all of the concern that comes with it  regarding the marine life that survived the trip.  Just to be sure that everyone is on the same page, this marine life is a real threat.  When a species is introduced (either naturally like this or by man) it can be catastrophic to local species in part because the natural balance of the area.

What you may not have heard is what Senator Ron Wyden said to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  This is probably one of the most boneheaded things that I have heard in a long time.  He suggested to them that they redouble their effort in finding debris.  Perhaps you are wondering why that is a stupid statement since this is a rather large dock.  Her response was that if the Pacific was shrunk to the size of a football field, this dock would be the size of a human hair.  Obviously this senator hasn't looked at a globe recently.  The Pacific is huge!  Water still covers 2/3 of the planet's surface as far as I know with the Pacific being by far the largest.  Perhaps the senator should think a little bit before speaking, or maybe talk to an expert before making a statement.

But then again, when does a politician think before they run their mouth.  Especially since this is an election year where he is trying to get brownie points for his party in his home state.

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