Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cost of Children

Tonight's news was loaded with stupid studies so you get the benefit of a bonus rant!  This study is something that has been calculated many times before.  Apparently this time though they figured out a "new" piece of the whole puzzle.

That's correct, I put new in quotes for a reason.  This new piece of the cost of children puzzle made so little sense that my wife actually commented on it before I had a chance to!  The piece you ask?  Housing.  That's right, some complete moron somehow thought that no one considered housing in calculating the cost of having children.  They figured the cost of housing for people with children was something like $237,000.  Wow, that pushes me over the edge thinking that I should stop telling people that kids are worth every penny!

Oh, wait a minute.  By putting that calculation in it implies that not having children would cost you nothing for housing!  What genius came up with this study?  Come on, common sense states that you need to have a house to live in whether you have children or not.  How is it that having children is going to increase your housing cost by that much?  That is more than the cost of the average house in the United States.

Now are you starting to see my point regarding the waste of money that these studies are?

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