Wednesday, June 27, 2012

That's News

Once again, I had some yard work to do so I didn't see the world news.  I did, however, catch the local news.  They have been following this story for nearly a month and it has finally gotten me to the point of being completely annoyed.

This story has been going on for a couple of months because some stupid drunk decided to do something completely stupid.  There is a small village just outside of Syracuse that has a swan pond in the park.  A couple of months ago some idiot jumped the fence, stole the eggs, and destroyed them.  When the story first aired, I agreed that it was worthy of the local news because they didn't know who did it.  And when the culprit turned himself in, I agreed that we wanted to know.  What I don't agree with is that they have continued with the story at least once each week.  First, they had to talk to experts to find out what the swans might do.  Then they had to show that the village created an island for the swans to build a nest.  After that they had to show that the swans were ignoring the island.  Then they had to tell us that the swans laid some more eggs.  Next, they had to tell us that the experts expected the eggs to hatch any day.  Next, they had to tell us the eggs hatched, except for one.  Tonight they had to tell us that the other egg hatched and that they went swimming for the first time.  Each one of these stories were at least 5 minutes long!  I don't find this to be something that they should be focusing on.  Isn't there something else that they could report on?

I think what amazes me even more is that the video wasn't even done by the news crew.  It was done with someone's camera phone and sent in (they did give him credit).  And the thing that I find funny was that many of the adults in the crowd were amazed that these they were swimming already.  Even one of the anchors was surprised to the point that she said she couldn't believe they were swimming already.  Are you kidding me?  They are an animal where 90% of their existence and decisions are based on instinct.  Their feathers make them float so there isn't much of a difference between walking on land and swimming.

It would be nice if they spent this kind of time talking about things that really matter.  Perhaps they should do some investigative reporting rather than just waiting for the news to happen.  That's a novel concept in this day and age though.

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