Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh That's a Disease

I've got another based on a pointless study.  This one is guaranteed to be funded by your taxpayer dollars. It is a study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC for short but I don't get why it isn't CDCP).  What bothers me isn't that there was a study done by them, that is their function.  The bothersome part is the subject matter of the study.

I caught a little blurb about this on last night's news but not enough to really mention it here.  I read the story today and wow!  The study was about teens and texting while driving.  That's right, the CDC (remember the D is for disease and the missing P is for prevention) did a study regarding texting.  Since when is texting a disease?  Yep, that's my problem.  We wasted valuable money that could have been put toward research on disease control and prevention on whether or not teenagers text while driving.  What is with these people?  We have diseases that we can't cure (AIDS and tuberculosis to name a couple) yet some moron in a government department decided it would be better to spend that money doing a pole to prove what everyone already knows, teens text no matter what they are doing.  I can't think of too many ways in which we have wasted money that was designated for good purposes on stupid things!

This is all part of a larger issue that I may have touched on before, what is a disease.  Every time that you turn around there is something else that was a problem now called a disease.  Pretty soon breathing is going to be called a disease because the air is polluted!  Not everything is a disease, just because you want your health insurance to cover it doesn't mean it should be called a disease.  And let me point out that when your health insurance needs to cover something else, you will pay for it!  Nothing is every free in this world, especially if the insurance companies can find a way to rip you off.

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