Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bad Money Making Ideas

It's been a very busy day (for a change) but I did catch something that bugs me, this time from a post on Google+.  It is a common theme that is happening when a company acquires another, the problem is that it usually ruins the acquired company.

Some of the big news in the technology world today was that Microsoft will begin placing ads in Skype.  They just recently purchased (recently meaning last year) for some astronomical amount.  They did it in part because Skype was making a fair amount of money.  Apparently it isn't making enough for the greedy company from the west coast.  They have decided that they are going to now put advertisements in the "stream."  That stream doesn't matter if it is a video call or just voice.  Here is an article going in depth on it but what I found really interesting is Microsoft's statement of why they are doing it:

While on a 1:1 audio call, users will see content that could spark additional topics of conversation that are relevant to Skype users and highlight unique and local brand experiences. So, you should think of Conversation Ads as a way for Skype to generate fun interactivity between your circle of friends and family...

How do they know this content is relevant to the conversation?  Are they listening to it?  Do they have software monitoring it listening for keywords?  I get that search engines are keeping track of what you are searching for and using that to provide ads based on that.  But there is a difference, when you search you are typing something in looking for something that an ad may actually assist you in finding.  When you are calling someone to catch up with them you aren't searching for something to talk about or searching for a product.

I'm sorry but I think this is a real privacy issue and I think that Microsoft has stepped over the line!  And this will turn out to be another successful product that Microsoft purchased that will slowly fade away and die.  Anyone remember Virtual PC?  Enough said...

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