Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nutrition Labeling

No news again tonight as the heat and humidity were both way up again today.  However I did go shopping and noticed something that has bugged me for quite some time.  In all truth, I'm surprised I haven't ranted about it before now.

I don't recall if I have mentioned in the past that my triglycerides and cholesterol are both high.  Unlike most people, I am trying to avoid taking medication for them.  And that means really watching what I eat along with reading a lot of nutrition labels.  One of the most annoying things is that the laws governing these labels are very loose.  When you are looking at the label, it can be misleading because the portion size can be completely different.

Let's talk about bacon and turkey bacon.  I don't remember the numbers exactly but I know I'm pretty close.  If you look at the labeling on the front of the turkey bacon you will see the manufacturer boasting that it contains something like 60% less fat than regular bacon.  Flip the package over and do a real comparison to real bacon.  The portion size for the real thing is 2 slices which roughly equates 1 ounce.  You would think the turkey bacon would also be 2 slices but it isn't, it is only 1.  But that isn't the whole story either.  Look at the weight of the portion size and you will see that it would take approximately 4 slices of the turkey bacon to equal the 2 slice portion size of the real bacon.  But it gets even better when you are considering the whole label.  A single slice of turkey bacon has almost as much cholesterol and sodium as 2 slices of real bacon.  So how much better for you is the turkey bacon?  The truth of the matter is that it isn't any better.

And that is part of the problem.  If you only look at the front of the label you will only see what the manufacturer wants you to see.  They can highlight whatever they want.  And that is how they can make you think that you are eating healthier.  It doesn't matter what "healthy" food you are talking about.  They are going to fool most but not those that are serious about eating healthy.  Don't believe me?  Go take a look for yourself.  Compare things like chicken sausage to pork sausage, you will find that the chicken sausage isn't any better for you than the pork so why not eat the real thing and have all the flavor.

The problem is the only way this will change is if the laws change.  And we all know that won't happen because the lobbyists that are paid by the food companies will do their job and explain to our representatives that putting strict requirements on their labels will cause a lot of lost sales.

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