Monday, August 13, 2012

What's on That?

Had to work on the car so I wasn't able to catch the news.  I have, however, had a chance to watch a little Food Network.  I find it hard to believe that no one can figure out why Americans are so overweight.  Just watch some of the cooking shows and/or food travel shows.  It is very obvious to anyone if you ask me!

Don't get me wrong, I love watching the Food Network.  I'm always looking for something good to try to make.  The show that I happen to be watching tonight is Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.  The first episode that I was watching was all about burgers.  Have you ever noticed how much stuff they put on burgers?  I find it amazing that they insist on putting so much on a burger.  This one burger started with 8oz of beef they it is topped with approximately another 8oz of toppings.  Granted, the burger is going to shrink a lot because they start with 75% lean beef, but you still end up with about 6oz finished.  The toppings are a finished weight!  And what makes this absurd is the fact that this, along with the 8oz of fries, is a single serving.  Wow, I can't see why that would make someone fat!  But let's take this one step further, at many of these restaurants they are starting to put an over easy egg.  What's with that?  These burger topping are getting out of control.  I can see having a few but some of these burgers are coming with 10 or more toppings!  How can you taste the meat?  That is the point of eating a burger isn't it?  If you want to taste all the other stuff, why not just eat a salad?

So why is it that no one else can figure out how America is so fat?  New York City Mayor Bloomberg seems to think it is the size of the beverages (I've ranted about that before).  And there are many other examples of how the government think is the best way to reduce American waste sizes.  I think the best thing to do would be to educate the on what it means to eat an 8oz burger topped with 2oz of cheese and a whole egg.  Then how about talking to the producers of the food shows (cooking and travel) about showing some healthy things that taste good.

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