Thursday, August 30, 2012

Emergency Evacuation

Yep, I did catch the news and it did put off what I had last night once more.  However, I think considering how many issues Irene is causing in the New Orleans area is worth it.  I just can't believe how stupid people are.  No, this isn't about the idiots that ignored the mandatory evacuation, that was last night.

So tonight the news was in New Orleans once again.  They began talking about how the new levees were holding and doing what they were designed to do, keep the city dry.  But the issue is now outside the city where the levees weren't modified.  In these areas the levees aren't as high nor as modern.  With all of the rain and storm surge they are being breached.

There is also a dam that is weakening which has caused some emergency evacuations.  The problem that I have is that these people were given 90 minutes to gather necessities and leave.  They were complaining about it and gathering things like stacks and stacks of pictures.  They there were others that complaining because in the time since being given the order the water had risen and flooded their home.  What is wrong with these people?  Pictures are necessities!  Yes your house is ruined, you are alive!

Here's the thing, if you are concerned with flooding don't buy a house near a body of water.  And certainly don't buy one that is actually below the level of that body of water.  It isn't rocket science people!  Think about it.  A large number of these locations are behind 25 foot high levees, why would you need a levee that high unless you are reshaping the river so that you can expand the "usable" land for population?  You wouldn't, plain and simple.

I think what irks me most is that when these man-made levees are breached, whether over the top or failure, it is considered a natural disaster.  I understand that the city of New Orleans is a historic city but that area is not only below the level of the river it is sinking.  Top it off with the fact that a large part of the city is actually below sea level.  This isn't a natural disaster, it's a man-made disaster.

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