Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Too Much Technology

So tonight I didn't really see something that jumped out at me on the news.  A large part of that has to do with having had enough political crap to hold me over for a very long time!  Nearly half of the newscast is now dedicated to the political coverage.  And in my area the advertisements are dominated by the two running for congress as it is a very tight race.  Tonight I caught an advertisement that I meant to gripe about a few days ago, it has to do with companies adding technology where it really shouldn't be.

I am all about technology.  My father was usually an early adopter of technology that he felt was going to survive and thrive.  And was doing that until money got tight due to the recession and finally losing my job.  But there are some places where I think they are going too far with technology.  The particular ad that has me going is from Mercedes for their new mbrace2 technology.  This is basically an internet connected tablet computer built into the dash.  Is that really the place for something like that?  There is a lot of talk going on about how dangerous texting is when driving, apparently Mercedes believes that surfing the internet is safer or something like that!  Seriously people, get a clue!  You don't need to check Facebook, or any other social network, while you are driving.  The messages will be there when you are done driving.

The worst thing is that, at least in the United States, there is talk about a technology being built into cars to prevent cellular signals when it is in motion.  I think that is a real extreme that would cause a lot more trouble then it would solve.  However, if more and more technology is built in to cars, such as this tablet, blocking cellular signals won't matter.  It doesn't really matter if this is something that can be used by voice (which I don't think it can be), surfing the internet isn't something that is necessary when driving!

Technology is great for many reasons.  It can make our lives much easier.  But, and it's a big one, it will only make your life easier if you are alive.  Think about that the next time a text message comes to your phone while you are behind the wheel.

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