Monday, March 26, 2012

The Trayvon Martin Tragedy

Well as you can guess, I was able to catch the news tonight.  This story has been going wild on the internet but I'm not trying to get any notoriety out of this post.  It is just the usual rant about stupid people and stupid events.  The emphasis on this post is on the stupid people in the event.

Let's start things out with talking about the problem with the law that Florida (and many other states) have with regards to self defense.  The law is extremely broad and allows too much flexibility.  Plain and simple!  It is so loosely written that basically you could be in a street fight, kill someone, and use this defense.  The worst thing is that you will probably get away with it.  I understand that there will be situations where you need to defend yourself but this law goes too far.

The next thing I want to complain about is the center of the controversy.  That would be none other than George Zimmerman.  He is supposedly the captain of the neighborhood watch.  My problem is that he went by himself with a gun.  If he suspected this kid was a problem why did he decide not to wait for the police to come?  He doesn't have the training that a police officer does so why was he following anyone while carrying a gun?  This is just a really stupid idea!  Even the 911 operator told him to back off!  Come on idiot think!

The last stupid thing of this whole tragedy is that this jerk wasn't arrested!  I don't know how it could get worse than that.  If I were to shoot someone I would be arrested.  Perhaps I would be released if they didn't have enough evidence but I would spend time in jail.  This guy hasn't spent any time in jail at all!  He admits to shooting the kid so why wasn't he arrested?  This is a problem with neighborhood watches.  Sometimes they feel they have the authority to do whatever they want and it isn't right.

Let me make a couple of things clear.  I agree with all of the protesting that is going about this.  I think it is wrong that Zimmerman is getting treated differently than anyone else just because he is a neighborhood watch captain.  He should be put in jail just like everyone else would have been.  But I also agree that people should have the right to carry guns.  There just needs to be some training about the fact that they are deadly.  The problem was that he followed someone and used a gun on them.

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