Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Campaign Promises

For those that weren't paying attention, or are from outside the United States, yesterday was called Super Tuesday because of the number of states holding their primary voting.  There was a total of 10 states and since the Democratic party is settled on President Obama, it was only for the Republicans.  I am not one who really gets into politics, I generally pay enough attention to be able to make an informed decision as to who is the lesser of the evils.  That's right, I believe all politicians are evil in that they don't represent the people at all.  Instead I believe they only
have the goal of being re-elected and will tell you whatever they believe the majority of people in their constituency wants to hear.

So tonight on the world news they were talking about the results of the voting from yesterday and then started talking about the Presidential visit to a factory that he "saved" with the plan that he opposed to give the auto industry millions of taxpayers dollars.  Anyway, I digress.  So he was at the podium speaking and somehow got on the subject of the price of oil and he made what was probably the stupidest statement that I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a politician.  He said, and I'm not quoting because I can't remember it that well, not to believe the wild promises of the Republican campaign promises that will never come true about lowering the price of a gallon of gas.  Both my wife and I did a double-take on that!  We couldn't believe the President, who has kept none of his campaign promises, just said that.  Like most elected officials, he has waited until the last year of his term to even attempt to do any of his campaign promises.  The idea is pretty simple: wait until the last minute; actually accomplish one of the promises; use that to show that you did what you said you would; and finally, hope that no one realizes that you did nothing.  It is something that has been done before but I have never heard someone come out and say that campaign promises would not be upheld when it was so clear that he dropped the ball on all of them.  I apparently talked about this prior to starting on blogger so you will have to check it  out on Google+ (it was a public post so you can see it without membership  In that post I talked about how Dianne Sawyer was talking to him about the Republican campaigns and he changed the subject to his administrations job creation record.  Her response to that was right to the point, why talk about that now?  I would have to guess that his response was edited out because suddenly they were talking about something else.  A true sign that he knows that he hasn't kept any of his campaign promises.

Now this proves two of the points that I have always had with regards to this administration.  The first is that no matter how much they speak of a congress that works across party lines it isn't happening.  The party lines are what causes pork-barreling of bills.  There is no way in which that is going to change anytime soon, no matter what the President says.  Second, he is campaigning on the taxpayer dollar.  It is an advantage that I had spoken of before ( and I believe this proves it.  If this isn't a stump speech, what is?  He is there to talk about how his administration saved jobs and the future plans that he has if he is re-elected.  Top that off with his attacks on the Republican campaigns and you would have a hard time arguing with me on the point.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I couldn't agree more..."lesser of two evils". That comment is exactly on the money. I hate politics, politicians, the whole thing. I think they're all crooks. It's sad that you, I and so many other Americans feel this way.
