Thursday, September 6, 2012

Yeah, He Did That

Oh my what a problem I have with something that was said tonight.  It was an interview with Michelle Obama regarding the Democratic National Convention.  My oh my how the lies fly during election season.  Of course, some of the things aren't necessarily a complete lie but an extreme exaggeration of the truth.  This one I believe falls squarely in the lie category!

I will not make any bones about the fact that I am not impressed with the job that President Obama has done.  I wasn't impressed with his lack of a record as a senator prior to the previous election.  I thought at that point he was a media darling who would say whatever he felt you wanted to hear, more so then other politicians.  Based on what has happened in the last 3+ years, I tend to think that I was correct.  He, and his wife, have spent more time making television appearances.  In my opinion, they have made more television appearances in their time in the White House then any other First Family.  You need to take into account the fact that they haven't even finished the 4 year term!  I honestly believe that President Clinton wasn't on nearly as much yet he was on trial!  He is a media darling and hasn't really accomplished much.  Don't believe me?  One site, quoted on the world news, stated that he has only held up 37% of the 500 promises that he made during his first campaign.

But on to what has really annoyed me tonight.  Misses Obama was being interviewed by Dianne Sawyer and started talking about her husband's accomplishments.  What set me off?  Her statement that, "We ended two wars."  I can't believe she is claiming that!  If I recall correctly, we are still fighting in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  In fact, aren't we now dealing with insurgence within the troops that we are training in Afghanistan?  Yep, that's a war that has ended.  Or how about all of the towns there that are being taken over by the Taliban?  And what about all of the suicide bombers that continually attack in Iraq?  But they are claiming that these wars are over.

Don't get me wrong, I know that all politicians do thing.  And you also need to know that I'm certainly not going to limit these to President Obama.  I'm sure I will catch Mister Romney, or someone campaigning for him, will do much the same.

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