Wednesday, September 19, 2012

More Food Fear

Another story that has me writing before the newscast is even over.  And once again, it is something that I believe is really a horrible way in which to suck you in.  This kind of news-casting really needs to come to an end.

Here we go again with more reports of arsenic.  I don't know about you, but I'm about fed up with the way in which every news agency or magazine has decided to spread fear in order to get you to watch their program or buy their magazine.  In this case it is a magazine that I had some respect for, Consumer Reports. They did a study that looked at the arsenic levels found in rice and released it today.  The study found that rice has a higher concentration of arsenic then most other grains.  Of course, the world news had to expand on the fear stating that arsenic can increase the chances of certain types of cancer.  The local news (on before the world news here) mentioned it and informed people to watch the world news for more information.  And the advertisement during the local news for the world news (another annoying thing) also gave the same information.  I get that the FDA isn't always right but here is the problem.  The FDA has been doing the same study.  They haven't released the study yet because they don't feel they have enough information to determine whether or not it is enough to be truly harmful.  And here's the kicker.  They seem to forget that people in Asia has had a diet very high in rice yet they have a lower rate of cancer then western societies.  So what does that say about the fear that they are attempting to put into the public?

Personally, I'm wondering why Consumer Reports is doing a study regarding the safety of food.  Their information is invaluable when talking about most consumer products but at what point did they begin doing studies on food?  I think this shows why they haven't done a study like this in the past.  It would be nice if you could trust them on something like this because our tax dollars aren't paying for it.  The problem is that they have released a study before it was really completed.  Not a good thing in my opinion.

All of this brings to light that it doesn't matter what you eat, too much will be bad for you.  But it also makes me start to question the results of their other tests.  They have been so good for so long yet in this one study they have really made me question them.

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