Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Secret Service Protection

Another political one that I have saved for a couple of days and since I missed the news tonight I have to pull it out.

So I heard on the news that, because of his sudden popularity, presidential candidate Rick Santorum will now be receiving Secret Service protection as presidential candidate Mitt Romney was already receiving.  Who is paying for this protection?
 I can guess it is the taxpayers!  What bothers me about this is that we are in a situation where our deficit is growing rapidly and there is no end in sight for the end of the growth.  How and why are we expected to pay for the protection of someone who may eventually become the leading Republican candidate for president?  They haven't even been selected as the Republican candidate yet!

Those of us who make up 90% of the population are paying for 95% of this waste of money.  And the problem there has to do with the fact that getting a candidate in office has now become a multi-billion dollar business.  It isn't something that is easy to get into because you need to have the ability to willfully lie and deceive people that you are going to "represent" once elected.  So this leaves these positions to the wealthy, those that know a lot of wealthy people, and the very few who get lucky.  And this is why things won't change anytime soon with regards to who is paying the majority of taxes.  These politicians have to please the people who are going to give them large amounts of funding for the campaign.  And how do you please them?  Vote the way they want you to vote.  And I can only think of one wealthy person that is willing to pay his fair share, Warren Buffet.  He has a very rare view on the situation.

And this is just one example of how we, as a country, waste money on things that should be paid for with private money.  If someone wants to run for office, sure they can get donations but they need to pay for this on their own.

I have a really novel idea!  How about the politicians stop talking about and promising to reduce the deficit and actually do it for a change?  Close loop holes that allow for the taxpayers to fund things like this and use that money to pay our debt before China completely owns us...

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