Thursday, February 23, 2012

Celebrity Marriages

Tonight's rant is actually one that I have had in my list of just in case I have nothing to complain about.  But the funny thing is that it was actually brought up on one of the entertainment shows while I searched for something real to watch after the news.

The brief snippet I heard mentioned how they were going to talk about the past couples walking down the red carpet for one of the "look at me, I'm famous" shows.  Here is my take and part of the reason I don't care.  Have you ever noticed that most celebrity dating starts shortly after they meet while working on a show or movie?  I find it really funny that they always mention when the pair met but never seem to mention that they have met most of their "love" interests in the same way since becoming famous.  And it seems to me that as we get the sexual scenes closer and closer to the pornography level in standard movies these celebrities seem to fall in and out of "love" much faster.  Just think of how you felt when you first started dating someone who became significant in your life.  Imagine if you are expected to pretend that you feel that way about someone.  At some point you are going to have a hard time differentiating between the acting and reality.  What was extremely risky in the 1970's for an R rated movie is now accepted as the norm for a PG movie now.  I believe this leads to the actors having a difficult time differentiating between when they are working and when they are not.

These thoughts don't account for those that aren't in the acting business.  As for those in the music industry, I believe it is a power thing.  They have all of these people adoring them and they feel powerful.  They can't help but take advantage of their fans desire to say that did something with someone famous.

These celebrities, for some reason, apparently feel the need to rush into marriage.  Yes, that does work for some, but not most.  Getting a divorce is too easy so they figure they can just get a divorce so what is the harm.  Marriage isn't important like it once was, and I think celebrities play a huge role in that.

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