Friday, February 17, 2012

Horrible Marketing Terms

So, have you been watching for the next big thing to rant about?  Well, neither have I.  What I find some stress relieving about this is that there is really no trigger for what I'm going to talk about.  So tonight it is based on a commercial that I just saw.

It was a commercial for Sargento Cheese.  They started out with showing someone putting cheese from a can on a cracker.  Then they talked about how their cheese is 100% natural real authentic cheese.  What is that supposed to mean?  Do they think we are really so stupid that we won't know that only one of those terms is necessary?  This is part of the reason that the Super Bowl commercials aren't worth the time they take.  These marketing "geniuses" think we are stupid!

And how can they really call it natural?  They inject the cheese with bacteria, it isn't a natural process anymore. They don't have the patience to wait for that to happen.  And I'm not even sure that it was ever that way once we figured why it happened.

This kind of stuff is creeping into more and more ads.  The unfortunate thing is that we have little choice but to buy the products.  The only way we can show we are smarter than ads like this is by complaining like this.

Let me know what other ads you have noticed like this...

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