Another driving gripe tonight. It's getting closer to winter in central New York and I've seen two extremes of driving. Both types are really dangerous and very annoying! It's just one reason that I feel driving tests should be given during the winter only.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Tonight I have one from some observations. As you can probably guess from the title, it's about driving. Just some serious complaints about how people are driving the family roadster.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Those are Wings
I have a feeling these are going to be a little sporadic as there has been a bunch of overtime available which means I'm a little tired. I was going with one rant until I saw a commercial. I've been saving that one for a while so another day won't hurt. This one just completely threw me for a loop. It's got to do with some seriously liberal use of "artistic license" I guess you could say.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
That's a Big Difference and Stupid Changes
There wasn't much on the news other then more of the garbage that I talked about last night. And with nothing that my wife and I are both interested in I turned on college basketball. Yes, she hates it but I really enjoy it. So since she picked up her book even before I switched it I guess I'm ok. It is in this game that I got tonight's two part complaint.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Another 9 Months We Don't Care About
Just a quick one tonight. I don't know how much coverage there was on the world news as we had some plans tonight that caused me to miss it but it was all over the local news. So what's it about? You'll have to click the link to find out.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
We're Close to the Edge and It Isn't Funny
I missed a lot of the news as I had to run to the store but I did catch something that was a little annoying. Alright, it is really annoying and you should annoyed too! This isn't the joking matter that some of them are making it out to be. Utterly ridiculous!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Food Safety
Wow, a huge spike in views yesterday! Thanks for sticking around. Tonight I caught a story that started on the local news and continued on the world news. This story is something that I can really relate to considering my background. But I was completely surprised at the source of the study and very annoyed at what they pointed out because they forget to mention one very fundamental point. Read on and I will get to it.
Monday, November 26, 2012
I Caught Them
I'm back! I apologize for not posting last week but I needed a break from posting and some rest. I've had a lot of opportunities for overtime recently and it has taken a little bit of a toll. But I should be good to go now. So who have I caught and what have I caught them at? It has something to do with what they call last Friday, the day after the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Pumping Iron
I didn't catch a lot of the news as I was trying to finish up some yard work that I've been putting off. I did catch something that was a little annoying though. It's another pointless study. There is good news though, I don't think it was a federally funded study. Just a quick one tonight so please read on.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Committment to America
Caught a really good one on the world news tonight. And this one really ticks me off! I can't believe what this huge name company did to this small company. I was going to write this post just after seeing the story but I was way too annoyed. Who is it and what did they do? You'll have to read on to find out.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sore Losers
Not much to complain about from the news broadcasts tonight other then something that they missed. They are so Obama centric that they seem to avoid pointing out anything that shows poor leadership. This is something that I first read about yesterday but decided that I would wait to be sure that it wasn't some kind of joke. Well, it isn't based on the article that I read today.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Fallen Heroes
Here in the United States today isn't Veteran's Day but it is celebrated today. I personally believe the only reason it is celebrated today (the actual holiday was yesterday) is so that government employees get a holiday. But that's another story. Because of this day there was a lot of coverage of events recognizing the sacrifices that these heroes and their families have made. And I'm not complaining about it at all, they deserve it! This is based on a book that honors those heroes.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Election News
The world news has just started and I'm already annoyed! I didn't post anything last night because I avoided the news knowing that they were going to be all giddy about Obama being re-elected. What I didn't expect was that they were going to continue talking about it again tonight. I guess it shouldn't surprise me since he is the darling of the media.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Is Uncle Sam Tracking Your Vote?
I didn't have much of a chance to watch television this evening. Partly by choice, but partly because I had to go do my civic duty. Yep, it's election day here in the United States. Believe it or not, the polling place is where I found tonight's rant and it's one that should bother every American!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Almost There!
So finally the world news covered something more then the tragic aftermath of hurricane Sandy. Yep, that's right they decided that something else was going on in the world. And they decided that it deserved another extended broadcast.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Cell Phone Theft
Tonight I've got one that is both a complaint and suggestion. This isn't about the platform that you use (by platform I'm talking about the operating system), it is about all smartphones. They are very expensive pieces of equipment that are easy for thieves to take and apparently sell. So what is there to complain about? Read on and I'll tell you.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Anything Happen in the World Today?
I knew I was going to miss the news and was hoping to catch it so I had the wife record it for me. And to my surprise apparently the whole world stopped everywhere outside of New York City! Alright, I wasn't really surprised but I was hoping to catch your attention. But did anyone catch a major announcement yesterday? Check it out after the jump to see what I'm talk about.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Is That the Best Thing to Do?
There wasn't much on the news (local or world) other then coverage of hurricane Sandy. I'm not sure about the local news in your area but here it is a 90 minute program. For the first time ever the first 20 minutes of the program aired without commercials, it was all about the hurricane. Then the world news decided to have an hour long special, the first 30 minutes of that were devoted to hurricane coverage. I stopped watching because apparently nothing else happened in the world today. But all of this lead to something that I may have griped about before but it needs to be said once again.
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Devastation is Amazing
Anyone ready up for a quick Friday bonus rant? Well, ready or not, here it comes! I've mentioned several times that I live in the Central New York region and this post has to do with what our wonderful governor has done. Take note of the date in case you are reading this in a few days.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Is He That Good?
Once again, a majority of the news was about the impending elections so I tuned most of it out. I did, however, see proof that ABC is fascinated with Apple, or perhaps that Apple has bought them out. Suddenly there is a computer on the anchor desk next to Dianne Sawyer with a big Apple logo on the back. So tonight's rant is all about football. I really can't believe the comparison that they started to make and one that they actually did make. Really showed the lack of knowledge on the part of the commentators.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Too Much Technology
So tonight I didn't really see something that jumped out at me on the news. A large part of that has to do with having had enough political crap to hold me over for a very long time! Nearly half of the newscast is now dedicated to the political coverage. And in my area the advertisements are dominated by the two running for congress as it is a very tight race. Tonight I caught an advertisement that I meant to gripe about a few days ago, it has to do with companies adding technology where it really shouldn't be.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
There's an App for That
Yep, got another tonight. Guess you could say it is sort of making up for forgetting last night due to the Bears being on Monday Night Football. At any rate, on to the tease for tonight. There was a lot of political statements that I noted but this one takes the cake. It makes me wonder where the information comes from.
Energy Drinks
Caught a bunch on the world news tonight and this one jumped out at as the most annoying. Perhaps it was the outlandish that it even bothered my wife! I find it amazing that something that I've complained about in the past is coming back yet again.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Meaningless Statistics
A little short on good material, that is until just now. I'm thinking this one will probably be a quick on but it is one that every fan of a sporting event will probably agree with me on. The ones that don't agree are probably knee deep in a fantasy football league in which they stand to win a lot of money.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
That Will Make It Better?
I've been watching a new show lately called Restaurant Stakeout. There have been a couple of themes coming through and it is rather annoying. This is something that can be applied to much more then the restaurant industry as well.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Comfort Food
I was really struggling to come up with something tonight. I just didn't really pay much attention to the news tonight because the focus was on tonight's debate. Honestly, I've had enough of all the attack ads that are running for all of the offices. But tonight's complaint is coming from a show called Eat Street on the Cooking Channel. This particular episode was all about comfort foods.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Stretching the Truth for Your Pets
Alright, another one that I got from a commercial. This one ran during the local news a few days ago. I didn't really pay much attention tonight as we had a late dinner. But this one is something that I find a bit annoying. This one is something that can apply to food for humans as well as what the pet food that this commercial was referencing.
Friday, October 12, 2012
No Reason for Concern Here
Well, just when I thought I was losing my edge, the news brought it back once again. This happened to be run on the local news about a "new feature" of the latest edition of iOS. I'm not going to give away anything more than that right now, you'll just have to check out the rest of the post.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Is It Really the Same?
I'm not sure what the deal is but I've been having a difficult time coming up with material lately. Perhaps it is that my stress level (the original reason for starting this) has lowered or that I'm not paying as much attention to the stupidity of people. But I'm beginning to believe it has more to do with the lack of interaction on the blog. At any rate, this is the third time that I've started a post tonight but I think I've got a decent one so please check it out and share the link.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I Would Never
Another night where my story isn't coming from the news, directly. It is actually coming from an advertisement during the news that has been running. I have been meaning to complain about it but other things have come up that were more annoying. Finally it has taken over with my annoyance and is the subject of tonight's post.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Are You Falling for It?
Tonight's post isn't from the news, it's from an article that I read this morning. This is just another place where the truth is being hidden from the consumer. The problem is that many consumers are going to fall for it.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Another Bad Example of Poor Priorities
I was watching the news fairly close looking for tonight's material when my wife pointed out something that I had missed completely. And this is one that I find really to be one of the worst examples of priorities by the news for a very long time! It's even worse then my previous complaints. I think once you read it you will agree with me.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
I Want to Prove It
I'm watching one of my favorite cooking shows, Chopped. This show peeks my interest because it puts chefs in a spot where they have to think on their feet. But there is a phrase that really needs to go. The phrase certainly isn't limited to this show, it just happens to be where I have just seen it with the laptop on my lap.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Huge iFailure
Tonight I've got what I would call a follow-up to my post the other night, Cause for Developer Concern. Isn't completely on the same topic but it has some things in common. The difference is that this one could cause problems no matter what operating system platform you are on.
Monday, October 1, 2012
What Happened to Proper English
I'm certainly not going to claim that I have the greatest grammar or speech. For proof of that you just need to check out a few of my posts. However, I am really getting annoyed with a lot of the words and language being used by so called professionals all over the place. Whether that is in print, online, or over the air.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
You Need Help with What
Bonus rant! I went to my in-laws last night to fix the headlights on their car. Just using a kit to remove the oxidation on the outside. But it turned out that they were also having some problems with their DSL connection. And in attempting to figure it out I came across something that was almost funny.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
They Should Have Known
Got another quick one tonight. This is one of those things that will usually set me off no matter what! It is another example of the complete desire for people to just suddenly come in to money. I have nothing against people becoming suddenly wealthy, just do it in an honest or lucky way! This is a situation where they are hoping to get wealthy through litigation.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Is the Evening News the Right Time for That?
With the mornings being dark and my car being a little older (it is now 10 years old) I needed to do something about the headlights. A few years ago I tried a product that was supposed to be a permanent solution. Needless to say, it wasn't and they were clouding up once again. And it also meant that once I got done with dinner I didn't get to see much of the news. But what I did see really upset me.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Wrong Call
Normally at this time of year cutting the grass once a week is the norm but that isn't the case this year. I missed the news because I had to cut slow because the grass has nearly the perfect weather. Warm sunny days and cool damp nights. About the only thing slowing it down is the shorter days. Anyway, on to tonight's complaint. It has to do with the controversial call in last night's NFL football game.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Cause for Developer Concern
The news tonight has given me plenty of options for things to complain about but I have something that has bothered me since the release of the latest iPhone and iOS 6. This is something that should concern anyone who is a developer for the platform or is considering becoming one. And let's be clear, this isn't another article bashing the iPhone. I truly believe it is a quality product, just not my preference.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Biased Coverage
Anyone who follows me knows that I have some real issues with a lot of the sports commentators out there. I feel they are highly overpaid for the stupid commentary that they often make. For the most part this seems to be in the pro games, except for last night! This was the worst coverage that I have viewed in a very long time!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Popcorn Lung
Got a really stupid one tonight! It's another example of the courts backing the whole "It's not my fault" movement that is going on in this country. I suppose at least this guy is claiming he will give the money to charity. Perhaps he is saying that just because he knows he will lose the appeal that I'm sure will be (or already has been) filed.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
More Food Fear
Another story that has me writing before the newscast is even over. And once again, it is something that I believe is really a horrible way in which to suck you in. This kind of news-casting really needs to come to an end.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Kid Studies
Missed most the world news but I didn't need to see it to have something, although I could go off about the 10 minutes they spent on the royal couple. There were two of them that are related on the local news. They were national stories so perhaps you saw them even if you aren't local to me. Just a couple more pointless studies that I thought you may be interested in, if for no other reason then to know where you tax dollars are being wasted.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Another Line of BS from Verizon
Anyone in the mood for bonus Friday rant? Good because I have one that I find completely annoying! No, it doesn't effect everyone yet. I believe it is setting a precedent that will be followed for the future though! Read on to hear what I'm talking about and why I think it will cause you some issues in the future. I promise that you will see why I think it effects everyone!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
End of an Era
What a shock came from the campus of the University of Connecticut today. Jim Calhoun announced that he is retiring effective immediately. Perhaps that shocks some of you but it doesn't really surprise me much. The reason it doesn't shock me is the reason it makes tonight's short rant.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Nothing to See Here, This Isn't the Phone You are Looking For
Today was the huge announcement that so many iPhone fans were waiting for. Many may ask why the rant since I'm obviously a an Android fan (my apps). The reason for the rant has to do with the news coverage. This probably isn't what you may think, please give me a chance on this one.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Teacher Trouble
I've got a double for you tonight falling under one headline! I was having a little trouble figuring out which one ticked me off more so I thought why not do them both. The first is probably pretty obvious to most dealing with the strike in Chicago, but the second is something that most people probably haven't seen. That is unless you live in the Syracuse market and were watching the local news.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Is That Really Necessary?
I didn't really pay much attention to the news tonight and what I saw showed me little to really complain about. So I think I will complain about something that I see every morning when walking from my car to work. We are in a situation where the federal government needs to cut costs. Once you are done reading this short one, you may agree that there are a ton of little ways in which they could save money.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Yeah, He Did That
Oh my what a problem I have with something that was said tonight. It was an interview with Michelle Obama regarding the Democratic National Convention. My oh my how the lies fly during election season. Of course, some of the things aren't necessarily a complete lie but an extreme exaggeration of the truth. This one I believe falls squarely in the lie category!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
NFL Season Start
Well, it is finally here, the start of the NFL season. Not sure about you folks but I've been anxiously waiting for the start of the season. I only really watch two sports, the NFL and college basketball. I will watch some college football but it certainly isn't my favorite. And a big part of the reason I'm looking forward to it, the stupid things that announcers say.
It Went Up That Much
Holy crap I completely forgot to write a post last night! I've been trying to get the one thing (Civilization 4) to work on Linux that is holding me to Windows, what a pain this is turning out to be. I did catch the news and have a couple of really good ones to talk about. And the two that I'm about to talk about are something that has been a recurring theme over the last few years.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Emergency Evacuation
Yep, I did catch the news and it did put off what I had last night once more. However, I think considering how many issues Irene is causing in the New Orleans area is worth it. I just can't believe how stupid people are. No, this isn't about the idiots that ignored the mandatory evacuation, that was last night.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
What's an Evacuation For?
I'm watching the news and can't wait to talk about this one! I really can't believe that just how stupid these people are! I had something that I was going to complain about but this just took over as it is really dumb.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
How Did He Vote?
I did catch the news tonight but there wasn't much that I found really interesting. It was very focused on hurricane Irene. I certainly don't think it is unwarranted since the expected landfall is going to occur within the same area as hurricane Katrina. And seven years later it is still recovering as well as recovering from the huge oil spill from a couple of years ago. But what did catch my "fancy" was a political advertisement.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Brilliant Way to Change Them
A heavy storm came through tonight so I didn't get to see the world news but it did come at the end of the local news. I really got annoyed at some of the changes that they were boasting about regarding our kids. Just a stupid thing idea if you want my opinion!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The Proposal
I didn't pay much attention to the world news tonight for two reasons. First, I'm still a little annoyed at the way in which they covered the abortion topic (the subject of last night's rant). That has just gotten me into a little bit of a funk. The other reason is the New York State Fair. How you might ask? I'll make this a two part just for you tonight. What I did pay attention to on the world news makes me even more glad that I am married.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Abortion Non Issue
Caught the news tonight and was very annoyed with the political coverage. I really can't believe this was the topic of a 10 minute story considering what a non story it turned out to be! That's 10 minutes of my life I will never get back! The basis of this isn't about my opinion of abortion, rather it is about the way the "story" was overblown.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Just Words
I didn't get to watch the news tonight as my wife has had a visitor to join her in watching a bunch of the Harry Potter movies. But that certainly isn't to say that I don't have something to complain about. I got to read a story earlier that really gets under my skin!
Monday, August 20, 2012
It's Freaking Water People!
I got to watch the news tonight for a change. There were a lot of small things that I would love to complain about but I'm not sure I could really make a decent article out of it. Take, for example, the stupid congressman making the statement about the ability of a woman's body being able to prevent pregnancy because she was raped. Stupid? Extremely. Worth an entire post? No. But this one really annoyed me because of the way in which they stated it as being based on facts.
Friday, August 17, 2012
It's a Courtesy Thing
An early one tonight as there are many reasons I but this time it has to do with not wanting to forget again. I really wanted to complain about this last night but got side tracked due to the complete idiots that are cleaning the lot next to me. This is just something that those with little or no knowledge about cars should know.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Again? Give Me a Break!
Not much television tonight as we went out for dinner. But that certainly isn't to say I don't have something to complain about though. This is what should be a repeat from the other day but for some reason I apparently forgot.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
I Have Kids?
Not much television again tonight, had to cut the grass. We've had a bunch of rain and it has been wet enough that I wasn't able to cut it in over a week! But while watching the local news and eating dinner I had a reminder of something that bugs me about a lot of parents.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Expansion of the Dictionary
Great news today, there were new words added to the English dictionary today. What does this means to the majority of us? Not much of anything. What it does mean is that college kids now have a larger array of words in which they can use without getting a lower score.
Monday, August 13, 2012
What's on That?
Had to work on the car so I wasn't able to catch the news. I have, however, had a chance to watch a little Food Network. I find it hard to believe that no one can figure out why Americans are so overweight. Just watch some of the cooking shows and/or food travel shows. It is very obvious to anyone if you ask me!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Authors Gone Wild
I have a really good one tonight. This one actually shows how the major publishers are causing authors to take stupid and drastic measures to prevent piracy.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I apologize to anyone that didn't like the non-rant post from earlier. I've been attempting to build stations that are as enjoyable as what I had heard on SiriusXM prior to ending the service. I believe I have not only done that but, with a lot of help, have actually created better. But enough of that, back to the ranting. There are a couple of reasons tonight's rant. Both of which are completely annoying.
Slacker Radio
Anyone interested in some good streaming music? If so, there are some new links on the to the right for a page listing the band/artist included. Please take a listen and feel free to add a comment giving a suggestion or two on missing bands/artists.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
No One's There
Had a great evening out with my wife, dinner and a movie at the cheap theater ($1.75 per person) and saw Men in Black 3. Very good movie! And that caused me to miss all television viewing tonight. With such a wonderful night (without the kids for a change) you might think I would have nothing to complain about. Of course you would be wrong on that one. I had a couple of examples of stupid people sightings on the way home.
Monday, August 6, 2012
No Wonder They're Greedy
Nothing regarding what I saw on the news tonight as a particular advertisement has been really bothering me. The events in Wisconsin are very tragic and I feel for the families effected, but I am not going to rant here because even the supremacist groups that he "belonged" to denounced his actions. Perhaps they are attempting to spread their message peacefully. Nope, this one has a lot to do with why there is greed among our young folks.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Statistical Stupidity
Hey, ready for a quick bonus rant? Glad to hear it! This one is something from the local news regarding another situation of half the story. They talked about a way in which Syracuse, NY got in a publication.
Caught a bit of the news tonight. One of the stories just really bugged the living you know what out of me. It has to do with the shooting that happened in Colorado.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
I Know Better Because I Work Here
What a long day! Between work and the fiasco I'm about to talk about I not only missed the news but didn't get home until after the kids went to bed. I don't think anything on the news could have topped this one anyway.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Good News?
I have good news to spread so why do I have to complain? It has to do with the reason for the good news. Read on to find out, I pretty sure it will be a short one.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Bubble Wrap That
Tonight is something that I believe I have talked about before however I can't find the post. I guess if you want to find out more about the previous post you will have to search through. The basics of the previous post was regarding the stupidity of people and their texting. This is really an extension of that.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Gas Companies Struggles
Caught the news tonight, and it drew my attention in when it was starting talking about the stock market and other financial news. Amazing news in that the Dow went up by 200 point, but the NASDAQ fell. That was, in large part, due to news that Facebook didn't meet projections with their first quarterly report since going "public." I put that in quotes because the way it was done makes it so it isn't really a public stock. But that is a different rant.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Upcoming Price Hikes
I'm actually still watching the news as I write this but I felt that this story was something that I needed to talk about now. You know, with all of the people that I'm connected to on Google+, being crabby isn't as easy as you may think. And truthfully, that is a big part of the reason that I often forget what I was going to complain about. But I'll do my best to keep it up!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Facebook and Privacy
I missed the news tonight thanks to Mother Nature's strong storms last night. But because I didn't get to complain about this topic earlier, I have a great rant tonight. The title of this post appears to me as an oxymoron from all that I've read. But that to me is just another reason to avoid it.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Smartphone Games
I've made no bones about my love of my smartphone. A big part of that is being able to take up empty time with games. But there two are major problems that I have regarding many of the games. To cover up the first, they skew the game with the second.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Signal Lights
I know, it's Friday and I haven't been posting anything as of late. But tonight is an exception because of an experience that I had on the way home that continues to bother me. This is far from the first time that it has happened but this time the driver went a little too far for me to skip commenting on it!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Carrier Interference
Tonight's rant comes not from the news but personal experience. I have made no bones about how much I love having a smartphone or how much I love having one based on Android. I even recommend that anyone getting a phone get an Android rather then an iPhone. But there is a drawback that needs to change, and that is what has gotten me upset tonight.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Families in Court
Anyone for a bonus? Good, glad to hear it. I just have a quick one about the many court cases that were on the news tonight and the crap that is being allowed to happen. Some may be a little angry with me on this one but there is a reason that I feel the way I do, and by the end of this you may agree.
The Connected Issue
Tonight is about something that is becoming a really funny event to most of us. Unfortunately, the government seems to think they need to stick their nose in because they, once again, think they know what is best and how you should live your life.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Another Reason for Obesity
Wow, what a hot day! We hit a record today and almost hit the all-time record. Syracuse got to 101, the all-time record for Syracuse is 102. The humidity took the feel up to 104, and that is something that many other areas haven't had to deal with. And trust me, it makes a difference. But that isn't what I want to talk about. It is just the reason I didn't see the news.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Kids, TV, and Exercise
That's right, I've got a bonus for you! This one is another stupid study based on opinion and not fact, as usual. This will be a quick one, I think.
Why Get a Uni-Tasker?
I did catch a little of the local news before going in the pool tonight. They actually had some useful information for a change. They followed that up with something stupid from Consumer Reports though so I guess tonight was a wash.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
What Are You Saying?
Another beautiful weekend which meant not much viewing of television. I did catch something that aired several times during what I caught of the race my son was watching. And I just can't figure out why they feel that NASCAR fans really need so much focus on this type of prescription medication.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Hair Loss
What a story I have for you tonight! This is the stupidest thing that I have heard in a long time. And that doesn't include the doctor that they interviewed for the story. I have told my wife for many years that if I lose too much more hair I am going to just shave it off. No lotions, shampoos, and definitively no pills. And this was reinforced with this story.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
I caught half of the world news tonight but that was enough. To begin with, it was very warm and the pool was calling (it was either go in there or fall asleep in the chair). But beyond that, I got tired of seeing what I read about earlier in the day and I had my rant picked.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Conclusive Newscasters
Wow, three from the same newscast, they were on fire tonight! This is another quick one so I'll get right to it.
Brilliant News Planning
You guessed it, the local news was packed tonight! This is just a quick one but still annoying as all get out! Why would I care about the planning of the newscast? Read on and you may be also.
Pointless Study, You Bet!
Yep, I caught some of the local news tonight and they revealed yet another stupid study! This one told you just how you could extend your life by 2 whole years. Really, I'm not making this up.
Monday, July 9, 2012
The Beginning of the End: Twitter
Just a little bonus rant tonight. This one is really goes along with all of the other greedy things that are going on in all of the technology industry. This happens to be about the changes that Twitter is about to put into place.
The Wrong Words and Phrases
Believe it or not, tonight's topic comes from watching the world news via my wife. She has noticed several key phrases that are being used to describe too many events where they don't belong. And I have to agree with her on this one!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Gavels and Media
Anyone up for a bonus rant tonight? Well read on! By now you have probably heard or read about the lifeguard who was fired for going outside his zone. I have to say that I'm impressed with his actions and the actions of his fellow lifeguards!
Olympic Commercials
It's no secret, the Olympic Games are in a few weeks in London. And the news is starting to be dominated by things occurring in and around London. It is almost to the point of being annoying. But what I think is most annoying is the commercials that are already starting.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Environmentally Friendly?
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday here in the US and I also hope they are being safe. You might be wondering what I could complain about on a day that not only turned out wonderful weather wise and the time spent with the family. I caught something this morning in a commercial that just irked me as we watch a couple of shows on the DIY network.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Simple Marketing Concepts
Just a quick one based on a commercial that I saw. It has bothered me for a while but it seems to be making a comeback. And it is perpetuated by the media, as usual.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
A Really Stupid Idea
Tonight's rant is actually something that I read early this morning. After reading it there was no doubt in my mind what I was going to talk about. This is probably the stupidest idea ever. But what made this story even better is that it gives me two different things to complain about!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
That's News
Once again, I had some yard work to do so I didn't see the world news. I did, however, catch the local news. They have been following this story for nearly a month and it has finally gotten me to the point of being completely annoyed.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Late Payments
I caught a little of the news tonight before heading out to do some yard work. There was a story that caught my eye as one of those holy crap moments. If the cost is this much for just New York State, imagine what it could be for the United States!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Immigration Law Ruling
Tonight I am going to revisit a something that I have ranted about in the past. The reason it is coming up again is because of a ruling by the US Supreme Court today regarding Arizona's attempt to curb some of the problems that we are having with illegal immigrants. Here is my rant from the time when Arizona first passed the law.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Amazing Inventions
I caught some of the news tonight but tonight's rant isn't about anything that I saw on the news. It is about something that I saw advertised during the news though. I really have a hard time believing that they could afford to pay to advertise for it during the prime time news!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Nutrition Labeling
No news again tonight as the heat and humidity were both way up again today. However I did go shopping and noticed something that has bugged me for quite some time. In all truth, I'm surprised I haven't ranted about it before now.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Actions of Children
I didn't catch much of the news again as it was a real scorcher today so I got to spend some time with the family splashing in the pool. But what I did catch really annoys me and kind of ties in with something that happened while we were in the pool.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
SiriusXM Auto-Renewal
I missed the news tonight and was really concerned what I was going to have for quality material for a post. Well, thanks to SiriusXM, I got something that really ticked me off! It is truly to the point where I have to really restrain myself to keep the profanity out of the post. Not sure how many young ones read this other than mine so I try to keep it clean. This may be a struggle!
Monday, June 18, 2012
The Sandusky Defense
I missed the news tonight because I needed to get some work done in the yard. But I have one that I got on the news the other night. I meant to write about it last night but completely forgot about writing a post. Anyway, it has to do specifically with the Sandusky trial but seems to be the direction many defense lawyers are going.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Cost of Children
Tonight's news was loaded with stupid studies so you get the benefit of a bonus rant! This study is something that has been calculated many times before. Apparently this time though they figured out a "new" piece of the whole puzzle.
Liposuction Study
There was yet another stupid study that I'm sure used up more of the little funds that we have in the United States for truly important things. This one has to do with liposuction, apparently the most common cosmetic surgery in the United States. And this study has several problems from my perspective.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Bad Money Making Ideas
It's been a very busy day (for a change) but I did catch something that bugs me, this time from a post on Google+. It is a common theme that is happening when a company acquires another, the problem is that it usually ruins the acquired company.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Dumb Rewards
Sorry I haven't posted over the last few days, wonderful weather that I didn't want to miss out on. I'm not waiting on this one that I just saw on the news. This is something that is going to set a precedent with people doing stupid things to get rewarded for it!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Oh That's a Disease
I've got another based on a pointless study. This one is guaranteed to be funded by your taxpayer dollars. It is a study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC for short but I don't get why it isn't CDCP). What bothers me isn't that there was a study done by them, that is their function. The bothersome part is the subject matter of the study.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Tsunami Debris
Finally a nice night out so I was able to cut the grass but missed the news. No matter, I did some reading and was amazed at how stupid some people in politics can be.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
I caught some of the news tonight before going out to work on the pool (switch for the pump went bad). And something came up that is a reoccurring thing now days. And it is getting to the point that it is really annoying to see all over the place!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
I didn't catch a whole lot of the news tonight but I did catch something that annoyed me to no end. It has to do with upcoming graduations and rules that are being put in place. Many schools are preparing to keep things in check and keep them moving along. And there are two issues that I have a real problem with.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Exceptions to the Rule
I had something really good to gripe about but I completely forgot about it. For all I know it could be what I'm about to complain about! And that has to do with a new law in New York that is similar to some in other states. Every time I read about something like this it brings me back to one of the few books that I read in high school.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Outdoor Improvement Shows
I haven't watched much news programming today (or this weekend) but we did watch some home improvement shows this weekend. I have a real issue regarding what they do with these yards. Some of these transformations have some really amazing features in them. Really gorgeous pavilions, outdoor kitchens, walkways, and much more. And these are done in the front yard as well as the back yard.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Job Creation
A lot of rain tonight allowed me to catch the news. What a huge drop in the major stock market indices that has finished eliminating the gains that had occurred thus far this year. There are two factors that caused this, one that we (the United States) can and should do something about and one that we can't but probably will do something about.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
No Diet Necessary For NYC Residents
I missed the news again but I read something this morning that really bothered me. Apparently New York City's Mayor Bloomberg and his staff are now some kind of nutritional experts. Beyond that, they are really stepping on your right to choose what you want.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Starvation in Africa
I didn't catch the news tonight so I will have to pull one from last night. Remember, last night was full of good ones and this one certainly fits the bill. I think you can guess what the basis of the story is.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
An Interview with a Prince
With the wet weather this evening, I have had a chance to catch the news. And it certainly didn't disappoint me at all tonight. I started writing about one of the others and I got one that was even better. They played what turned out to be a tease of an interview with one of the princes of England. I have complained about this in the past as not being news for the United States (The Royal Family).
Friday, May 25, 2012
A Problem with Linux
I think I have stated recently that I am trying Ubuntu Linux because I am not impressed at all with the new look (Metro) of the forthcoming Windows 8. I don't want to use a phone interface when I'm using a desktop computer! But I have come across something beyond not being able to run my favorite game of Civilization.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Commercial Drivers
Another busy night had me outside before I got to see much of the news. But I had a run-in with something that has bothered me in the past. Finally had it happen at a time when I remembered it for this. I just don't understand what the folks driving the commercial vehicles are thinking!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Portion Sizes
The weather cooperated tonight so I got to do the work that I planned on doing last night plus what I was planning on tonight. But that meant that I didn't catch the news once again. But I did read an article earlier today and saw another post on Google+ with yet another talking about similar things.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Don't Invent Machines
I didn't catch much of the news between cooking on the grill and getting stuck in the shop during the downpour, but I did catch something that ties into something that I've complained about before. It had to do with a bunch of people complaining about Onondaga county purchasing machines.
Monday, May 21, 2012
So Called New Television Shows
My wife saw a commercial for a show that we had seen in the past and really liked, so she recorded it. It stated that it was an all new series so we were excited about it. What a disappointment we had when finally got to sit down and watch it.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Google+ Drawback
Another beautiful day today and I avoided television after I watched the NASCAR All Start race with my oldest. I'm not a fan but I love spending time with the kids. But that actually lead me to doing something that I have done many times but I tried something different this time just to share the experience.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Artificial Sweeteners
Beautiful day today so I didn't get to watch any television until now (9pm). That is the kind of day that I like. But I did have to go shopping for some groceries and I found something while there.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Stupid Comments
I actually caught most of the world news tonight but I don't feel that there was anything there that I haven't commented on before. The big issue I had there was that entertainment news took precedence over real news again! Tonight I am going to use some personal experience as it really annoyed me.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Ongoing Fine Crap
I caught a very little of the local news tonight. I have begun to realize that getting quality rants is going to take some reading. If you aren't in the Syracuse area you probably aren't being subjected to nearly as much coverage of the whole Bernie Fine situation that we are. And it appears that it is going to pick up once again.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
John Edwards Saga
I've been trying to avoid the subject but I just can't do it any more. This has been on the air too much for what it is about. People do this all the time, get caught, and go to trial over it. What makes his story any different than any of them? Oh that's right, he is a "celebrity" so it must mean we are all fascinated by him!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Bottles and Pacifiers Can Hurt
Well, you guessed it, this is the result of another stupid study. I just can't understand why we keep funding these studies. There isn't a reason to perform the studies, they are completely based on common sense.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Piracy is Killing Hollywood
It has actually been a really nice weekend weather wise so I haven't watched too much television. That is making it a little difficult to come up with something to complain about but as you can guess, I found something. The motion picture association of America (MPAA) has constantly said that piracy is killing their business and they are losing millions of dollars. Something that came out today contradicts that drastically!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Snacks at the Game
I didn't post last night because I went to the local AAA baseball game for a while. Really strange that neither of the kids have any interest in baseball but love going to the games. Anyway, that brings us to tonight's topic, the price of things at the game.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Another Smoking Lie
I have griped in the past about the NYS Smoker Cessation Program but the latest commercial has brought me back to it. This one is something that I can actually use personal experience to prove them wrong!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Another Pointless Study
Caught another study that was a waste of money. At least this time it wasn't our money though. From what I read it was done in Europe. Of course, if Congress has it's way they will be shelling cash out to save all of Europe so I guess it is only not our money for the time being. This one was another one about sitting making you obese.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Gluten Free Diet
There was a piece on the news tonight regarding the huge upswing in people putting themselves on a gluten free diet. It said that it has become popular because some celebrities have credited it with giving them their "great" bodies. Wow how far from the truth that is!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Local Photo Contest
I took what turned out to be a really nice picture of last night's "super" moon (to the right) and my wife said that I should enter it for the local news channel's daily bragging rights photo. I was a little hesitant but decided to do it just to please her. Well, that turned into a long adventure that, you guessed it, annoyed me.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Web Page Optimization
I was going to complain about a bunch of people in one of the "historic" towns south of Syracuse as they annoyed me regarding an historic home but I came up with something else. See I was going to read the article again but was having trouble finding it in Google Currents (great little program if it is available for you phone). So I figured it would be easier to find it using the computer since I am sitting here now. Boy was I wrong!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Don't Eat What You Like
I caught the local news tonight. They do a feature about being healthy and tonight's was about a new study regarding our eating habits. It is another situation where I can't believe that somebody (probably you and I via taxes) funded this study as it is really stupid!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Arrogant Stars
There has been a lot of time that I have complained about stars and their whining. Well there was another and this one I think goes off the deep end. This latest one comes from the has been Wil Wheaton.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Big Miss by ESPN
I have complained in the past about celebrity events being on the news and not on an entertainment show. This time I am going to complain about something that is almost the opposite. By now most of you have probably heard that Junior Seau apparently committed suicide early this morning. There was a brief mention of it on the world news and this time it probably belonged there. But where an in-depth story should have been appears to be absent.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Me Me Me
We weren't paying much attention to the television tonight so one of the home makeover shows came on that we don't normally watch because it isn't something that we like. The premise of the show is that these homeowners are going to do something in preparation for selling their house. I think you can figure out which one I'm talking about.
Monday, April 30, 2012
How Stupid Can You Get
Have to do an early one tonight, not feeling very well at all. The news isn't over but I got one that a "friend" pointed out on Google+. I put friend in quotes because I have never met him but we seem to have a lot in common and communicate regularly on posts. So what was it that he pointed out? Another stupid person doing something stupid. This time it was in a very public way though.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Fixing Skin Blemishes
Watched a little recorded television today (you may remember the whole issue with no new shows a few days back) and there was a repeated theme in the commercials. I record some of the shows we watch late at night when we are in bed and that should give you a hint at the type of commercial. That's right, ways in which to make your skin perfect.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Bogus Choices
Friday, April 27, 2012
USDA Inspection
Ok I'm a day or two late on this but I can't help the fact that I forget things until after I've already done my post for the night. Anyway! So obviously I have an issue with the whole mad cow news coming out of California. And as you can guess from my past posts, it probably isn't what you think it might be.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Immigration Law in Arizona
I found a story while browsing today that I believe I heard a little about on last nights news. As soon as I started reading it I had a couple of thoughts, first was that I recalled wanting to complain about it but I didn't catch enough of the story to do a good one. Second was why are these people complaining about a state making a stronger law than the federal law? It happens all the time!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Lack of Creativity
I was actually kind of short on material tonight. Just have the TV on for background noise and caught something that has been cropping up a lot lately. It isn't the typical rant that I have but it is something that really is annoying.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Conversations in Public
Had to do some grocery shopping tonight and got really annoyed with a few people. It is utterly amazing how important people seem to think they are and how much they think I want to hear their conversations. Here's a clue, everyone has a cell phone now, you aren't the cool one!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wireless Greed
Tonight I am going to complain about the way in which wireless carriers are getting greedy. I don't think there is much more of a lead in than that.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Custom Tools
I haven't watched much TV over the last couple of days but I had a decent one yesterday and came across another today. This one is something that annoys me every time that I have to do this particular job.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
We Will Tell You Next Time
As some of you know from previous posts, someone close to me went in for major surgery. That surgery happened to be a triple bypass. Today we stopped to visit and it was the first time that I have been able to really talk to him. I really don't understand why they sent him home with so little information about his diet.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The F150 MPG
Been a light night for television viewing tonight so it was a little tough to find something but there is one thing that has bothered me a few times over the last few weeks. It has to do with playing numbers and what should really be false advertising.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Dick Clark
Really sad news in the entertainment industry today. Dick Clark passed away today. So you may be asking how that deserves a rant, right? Well as I believe I have stated before, I can probably complain about anything and usually do!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Opinion Poles
Anyone else hate the opinion poles? I can't stand them and with the political season cranking up since the Republicans have now virtually settled we are going to start seeing them dominate news all over.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Separation of Church and State
The Romneys were on the news tonight to talk a little about the whole Hilary Rosen statement. And I think that most agree it was a stupid statement. There are millions of women who have never, or barely, worked a day in their life. What's the big deal? There are numerous reasons for it. But that only lead to the thing that I had a problem with tonight. Yep, you guessed it, Dianne Sawyer had to mention religion.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Nothing to See Here
It was a fairly warm weekend here in CNY but a wet one today so I was stuck inside. I only really watch two sports, college basketball and the NFL, neither of which are in season. That left me with finding something on one of the other stations, and there are a lot of them. But there is a problem with the concept.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
In a Hurry
Just a quick one tonight. Very nice day out and I needed to clean the pool. These may get difficult as the weather gets better. But I did have to go to the store so I was able to get something from experience rather than TV.
Friday, April 13, 2012
How to Wreck a Life
Today's big headline that caught my attention was the announcement by Zach Tomaselli. There is nothing like ruining someone's life just to get your 15 minutes of fame. And don't get me wrong, he isn't the only one to blame here!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
High Definition
Just some thoughts based on a local breaking story from tonight's news. I just can't understand what the insurance industry is thinking. They should be requiring higher definition cameras in banks and convenience stores. Yep, the story was about a robbery.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Generic Drugs and Phone Locking
I managed to catch a couple of stories in the news tonight and I can't pass on either of them because they are that good. And since the political season is probably going to start taking off (now that there is a clear leader in the Republican camp) I am thinking that I may have to do some doubles.
Monday, April 9, 2012
More Idiots on Animals
Oh my, one stupid story brings on another! Caught the local news again tonight and all I could think of was that this was another bunch of Hippocrates. They were complaining about more wildlife in their yards.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Free PC Access
I can't believe I almost forgot about this one! And since I have it in my mind and the ham is now in the oven giving me nothing much to do in the meantime. I was in the hospital waiting room, as I mentioned last night, and decided to use the free PC's to check my Google+ account. I ran into a couple of problems that have really got me annoyed.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Stupid Tricks to Save Money
So there was an unfortunate event in the family yesterday. Not tragic but put someone in the hospital. I'm not going to go into who it was or what it was. I will say that it landed this person in the hospital and they will be there for a few days with major surgery today. So I spent a bunch of time there last night and a lot there today and that has brought me to tonight's rant. This kind of piggybacks off my rant from the other night about parking in the city (City Parking).
Friday, April 6, 2012
Me First
Just what I think is going to be a quick one tonight but we all know how that works out. I think the last "quick one" was one of the longer ones I've done. Tonight has more to do with driving habits of people and how it effects the next generation of drivers. Just some observations of course!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Another Stupid Person Sighting
Caught the local news tonight and boy did they give me a really good one. This time the stupid person pointed out some of the problems that are going to continue to grow as society continues to change their ways. But remember, hunting is a supposedly a bad thing.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Hands Free Device
I had this whole thing about the fragmentation thing with Android but realized it wasn't really a rant, more along the lines of a statement than anything else. So I am going to draw on something that is really bugging me that I saw a couple of times today.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Foreign Aid
You know I may have talked about this once before but I think it is an important topic. It was mentioned on the news just the other night (that was the post I forgot and it was overridden by the stupid statements last night) and I really have a strong opinion on the whole idea of helping others because it is in our best interest. The story stated that the United States has promised an additional $12 million to the rebels in Syria. That is correct, additional. I believe the story stated that we have given $22 million prior to this.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Double Whammy
I caught the ABC World News tonight and had to rewind it for two reasons. The first was that the kids have big mouths (but I love them anyway). The second was to be sure that I heard the President correctly. I almost had to do it a final time to catch what former President Clinton said, but I heard knew I heard it correctly based on the rest of the statement. Probably the stupidest statements I've heard from a politician in a long time, really!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Bogus Apps
I had a really good one earlier but completely forgot what it was. I will probably remember about halfway through but what can you do. I do have one that kind of bugged me yesterday. I has to do with the way in which some companies are funneling you to their site just for the ad revenue.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Rental Trucks
So last night I spent the evening loading a rental truck because my mother is moving. And I spent today unloading that truck. I wasn't able to watch any television so you might think I don't really have much to rant about, right? Well you would be wrong as you can probably guess.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
City Parking
So my new job I have to work in downtown Syracuse. I know, downtown Syracuse is nothing like major cities. Keep in mind that I have lived here all my life and never really had the desire to go anywhere else, especially a larger city. But that leads to the problem that most cities in the United States have. They were planned and laid out before the invention of cars. More and more cities are having financial issues because they can't get people to shop, work, and/or live in the downtown area. And what makes it worse is the fact that they can't figure out why. Well, I'm here to let them know.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Oneida Lake Water Level
Oh boy, I'm in trouble with the global warming freaks again! I was actually surprised that it wasn't mentioned with the story. That's right, some believe that global warming is causing all sort of problems. They don't even take all things into consideration when they make the statements they do.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Pink Slime
You guessed it, I didn't watch the news intensely tonight but I have one I from last night's news. This has been in the news over the last few weeks so I think it is fair game. I'm not really sure how long the rant will be but here goes. Everyone is suddenly in an uproar over this whole "pink slime" issue. I can see both sides of the coin on this but tend to lean more toward the "it's not right" camp.
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Trayvon Martin Tragedy
Well as you can guess, I was able to catch the news tonight. This story has been going wild on the internet but I'm not trying to get any notoriety out of this post. It is just the usual rant about stupid people and stupid events. The emphasis on this post is on the stupid people in the event.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Healthy Hair
A short one tonight as I haven't seen much television today. How many of you have seen a commercial for shampoo and/or conditioner? If there is someone who doesn't have their hand raised, you are probably looking at someone that doesn't watch much television. I find it amazing just how inaccurate they are!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Basketball Royalty
Been watching a lot of college basketball and it will get worse over the next couple of nights. And what gets me are some of the really stupid things that the commentators have said. They just mentioned another one and it got me started as I really didn't have anything else. I find it amazing just how stupid some of these people can be.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Apple Fan
Oh my have I got a good one tonight! I follow a reporter that focuses on Android (you will find his blog in my list, it is Android Power). He is also a co-founder of eSarcasm so you know he likes to have fun with things. He posted something on Google+ about the New iPad versus the iPad 2. Now you know I had to put some comments on there about it. But what has me going tonight is that some Apple fan decided to spout off about how great Apple is.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Global Warming Argument
I can't believe I almost forgot what I was going to write about! This is something that has really bugged me for many years. And the current temperature trends in the United States are only going to fuel the exaggeration by those that want to put everyone in a panic! That's right, in the United States, over the last 5 days, there have been well over 1000 record high temperatures recorded.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The Royal Family
Not sure how many of you are from Great Britain. If you are, you may wish to either skip this post or really rip me a new one in the comments. This isn't really anything against your traditions and customs, it has much more to do with where I live.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Small Price Increase
Have you ever been told that some service you use must increase their charges a small amount? Then you look at the small amount they are talking about and it turns out to be much more than what you would consider a small amount by your terms. They try to make it seem smaller than it really is by giving you the increased cost per day. Again, another example of how these companies think the consumers are not smart!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Car Insurance Savings
A wonderful weekend of March Madness viewing! It is great to see the talent level spreading out as it makes for really great games. Which of course also leads to busted brackets and boy are mine really screwed up! But it has also allowed me to see a lot of commercials. There seems to be three main advertisers now but I am going to talk about the car insurance ads tonight.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Just what I think is going to be a quick one tonight. This is something that I've been experiencing for a while.
I was an adopter of the first Motorola Droid, commonly called the Original Droid or OG Droid. It was a great experience until the number of apps started to climb and memory began to run low. At that point the phone began to get very slow and almost unusable. I started looking to find out when it would be upgraded to the Gingerbread just to find out that Motorola was ending upgrades for it. The reason for the interest in the upgrade was because of the promise of better memory management. Just what I needed to be able to have a useful phone again.
I was an adopter of the first Motorola Droid, commonly called the Original Droid or OG Droid. It was a great experience until the number of apps started to climb and memory began to run low. At that point the phone began to get very slow and almost unusable. I started looking to find out when it would be upgraded to the Gingerbread just to find out that Motorola was ending upgrades for it. The reason for the interest in the upgrade was because of the promise of better memory management. Just what I needed to be able to have a useful phone again.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I Deserve a Pension for Nothing
It is getting to be budget time once again, at least in New York, and the political ads stating how this politician has done something to hurt that group is starting up. And as you can guess it really irks me to no end!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Red Meat is Bad for You
Yesterday I got this pretty good rant early in the morning. Then I went to Best Buy and you can read about the rest in yesterday's post. So this pretty good one had to do with a report that eating red meat was bad for you. Nothing new there, we have known that for years. The new part of it has to do with the fact that it can reduce your lifespan significantly.
Proof of the Power of Translation
This article shows what the real story is behind the end of the Mayan calendar. Check it out for the truth and compare it to my earlier rant about it.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Best Buy Experience
So I have some good news, I was offered and accepted a position. To assist in my job search my mother offered to let me use her old laptop since it would allow me some flexibility in where I could search. Well needless to say, I got addicted to having a laptop. This is actually an amazing thing since I have always pushed people toward a desktop. So I decided that I wanted a new laptop because the one I was borrowing had Windows Vista and I hated it! And this brings us to tonight's post.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Stairs are Dangerous
You may have read the title of this post and said to yourself, "Really?" That is exactly what I said when they began talking about it on the world news the other day and I was reminded of it when I saw the re-run of the story on the local news tonight. I have hit on the subject of wasted taxpayer money before for grants to perform stupid research before I started blogging (even before I was doing it on Google+) but I think this one takes the cake.
How Irish are They
Kind of a relaxing day with no television at all. Pretty amazing to think that it actually happened where I went an entire day without it. So I really didn't get anything with regards to ranting material. But I do have one based on the great Irish holiday is coming upon us. I'm not sure just how many of you are in a situation like we are in Syracuse with a rather large Irish section but I find it amazing just
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Online Help
Tonight is one that didn't come from television. It is one from personal experience in an attempt to make this blog more visible and easier to follow via RSS readers such as Google Reader. It really frustrated me to no end that getting help, in this day and age, is so difficult. Why does it have to be?
State of College Sports
It is now the time of year that college basketball fans look forward to most. Even those that don't like the sport in general often find themselves wrapped up in the madness. And why the heck not? It is a test of not only the abilities of the players to compete but also a test of the ability of the coach to do their job. But tonight, while watching my beloved Orange lose, I was reminded of what
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Good evening once again. I didn't actually get to see a lot of television today so I've got to pull one out of the "vault" from just the other day. I'm sure that it is relevant somewhere today so I don't think it really matters that I picked it up earlier in the week. As you can guess, it has to do with the weather forecasting. Something that you need to keep in mind is that I completely understand that what they do is difficult because they are predicting future events, and they don't have a magic crystal ball. So I understand the fact that they are wrong quite often and that is acceptable in the field. What I don't get is
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Campaign Promises
For those that weren't paying attention, or are from outside the United States, yesterday was called Super Tuesday because of the number of states holding their primary voting. There was a total of 10 states and since the Democratic party is settled on President Obama, it was only for the Republicans. I am not one who really gets into politics, I generally pay enough attention to be able to make an informed decision as to who is the lesser of the evils. That's right, I believe all politicians are evil in that they don't represent the people at all. Instead I believe they only
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Smoker Cessation Program
I found a couple today and have to consider whether or not to write two tonight as both of them are really dumb and annoying. I'm going to go with this one because it has been bothering me for quite some time.
Let me begin with stating that I am not nor have I ever been a smoker. It isn't a habit that I support but I also think that things have gotten out of hand. In New York, a portion of the taxes raised from cigarette sales go to a smoking cessation program. Some of the large settlement that was awarded several states also goes toward this so the money coming from income taxes is really rather insignificant. So that isn't the biggest problem that I have with the program. The problem that I have is the
Let me begin with stating that I am not nor have I ever been a smoker. It isn't a habit that I support but I also think that things have gotten out of hand. In New York, a portion of the taxes raised from cigarette sales go to a smoking cessation program. Some of the large settlement that was awarded several states also goes toward this so the money coming from income taxes is really rather insignificant. So that isn't the biggest problem that I have with the program. The problem that I have is the
Monday, March 5, 2012
Today's Athletes
I had something minor to complain about earlier but it was just that, minor. I came across something that really set me off on a tangent to the point where I erased my post as it had little to do with the discussion and I thought it would be great to talk about here. It had to do with an article written by Charles P. Pierce for Grantland (The Saints, Head-hunting, and (Another) Disaster for the NFL) regarding something questionable that the Saints were doing. My feeling is that they got caught and they are being used as an example, I'm not going to go into that any further as my personal feeling is that it is a well done article that covers most of the issue. What I am going to go into though is
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Road Tests
So tonight's rant has to do with experiences from the day rather than something I've seen on television today. It is something that I have always been bothered with and came across today with nothing else to complain about so why not!
I have mentioned in several previous posts that I have lived in the Syracuse area all my life. And most people know that the Syracuse area averages around 120 inches of snow every year. Most of this snow is int he form of lake effect, which is much different than other types of storms. For those that don't know anything about lake effect snow, I'll give a little explanation before continuing.
I have mentioned in several previous posts that I have lived in the Syracuse area all my life. And most people know that the Syracuse area averages around 120 inches of snow every year. Most of this snow is int he form of lake effect, which is much different than other types of storms. For those that don't know anything about lake effect snow, I'll give a little explanation before continuing.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Biased News Coverage
As you may be able to guess by the title, I'm annoyed once again by the news media. This story happened to be on the Today Show.
So once before the news media covering the "innovative" release of iOS by Apple when it included Siri for the first time. I had a problem then and mentioned it one my personal Google+ page prior to starting this blog. The biggest problem that I had was that they called it innovative. To me innovation means that you, or the company you work for, created something that is completely different than anything else that is on the market.
So once before the news media covering the "innovative" release of iOS by Apple when it included Siri for the first time. I had a problem then and mentioned it one my personal Google+ page prior to starting this blog. The biggest problem that I had was that they called it innovative. To me innovation means that you, or the company you work for, created something that is completely different than anything else that is on the market.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Campaigning on the Taxpayers Dime
So tonight I am going to expand on the post that I came up with yesterday before it was so rudely interrupted by my COPPA finding. As you can guess by the title, I'm not really happy about something in politics again.
I check the "What's Hot" feature on Google+ just to find out what is on everyone's mind and to try to find some interesting people or companies to follow. I came across a post from The White House which is the official postings from the White House on Google+ that is supposed to talk about behind the scenes things and happenings. I found this a few days ago and was rather satisfied until yesterday when the post included the graphic included in here with this statement:

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Government Knows How to Raise Your Kids
So I had another politically based rant but that is going to have to take a back seat because I came across something that really irritated me.
I recently upgraded my phone and since they weren't going to offer me enough of a trade-in to justify giving it up because my kids would love to have it as a tablet. That has worked out fine but they are kids of a new era where they begin using computers in kindergarten, or in the case of my youngest, before school altogether. And he wants to use the calendar and a few other apps that require a Gmail account. So you may be thinking no problem, right?
I recently upgraded my phone and since they weren't going to offer me enough of a trade-in to justify giving it up because my kids would love to have it as a tablet. That has worked out fine but they are kids of a new era where they begin using computers in kindergarten, or in the case of my youngest, before school altogether. And he wants to use the calendar and a few other apps that require a Gmail account. So you may be thinking no problem, right?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Secret Service Protection
Another political one that I have saved for a couple of days and since I missed the news tonight I have to pull it out.
So I heard on the news that, because of his sudden popularity, presidential candidate Rick Santorum will now be receiving Secret Service protection as presidential candidate Mitt Romney was already receiving. Who is paying for this protection?
So I heard on the news that, because of his sudden popularity, presidential candidate Rick Santorum will now be receiving Secret Service protection as presidential candidate Mitt Romney was already receiving. Who is paying for this protection?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Faith Ended Slavery? Really?
Oh how I am going to love the political campaign season! This is going to be fun!
So the other day I caught part of an interview with Rick Santorum. The interviewer asked him about his deep faith and why he thought it was so important that it be part of his campaign. He then went on a tirade about how important religion was in many of the greatest changes in United States history, even stating that our faith brought an end to slavery (note this is the gist of what he stated, not the exact quote). Really? Silly me!
So the other day I caught part of an interview with Rick Santorum. The interviewer asked him about his deep faith and why he thought it was so important that it be part of his campaign. He then went on a tirade about how important religion was in many of the greatest changes in United States history, even stating that our faith brought an end to slavery (note this is the gist of what he stated, not the exact quote). Really? Silly me!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Military Blunder
I have a bunch of potential ones from today but I settled on this one because I can't believe that it happened.
So if you can't guess by the title this has to do with the burning of the Quran. This is such a horrible blunder by the United States military that I have a hard time believing it. I have a couple of questions that I would love to hear answers for:
- What in the world possessed them to do this?
- What gave them the impression that this would be a good idea?
- Isn't there somewhere that they could have donated these?
- Or how about speaking to some folks (not sure of what the equivalent to a priest would be) on how to dispose of them properly?
- Is this just a ploy by the military to justify staying in Afghanistan?
Doing something like this just doesn't give me the impression that the greatest military minds are at work here. This action is not something that should have happened by a country that is a melting pot that supposedly tolerates all religions.
Normally I only rant about something that annoys me and doesn't tick me off but this one really gets me angry! We, as a country, aren't this stupid and insensitive! Unfortunately, that isn't the opinion of the rest of the world at this point...
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Doing Their Job
Good morning! Spent the evening yesterday watching the game and didn't get home until really late. I didn't really have anything yesterday to complain about but I got something really interesting this morning from the Today show. That seems to be a place where you can get a lot of stuff to complain about! Anyway...
So they were talking about this guy who tried to carry his newborn baby around the hospital and how the nursing staff tried to stop him due to hospital policy. I would have to guess that it is much more than just hospital policy, I would guess there are some laws with regards to it. So you may be thinking, why is this national news worthy? My thoughts exactly! Well it turns out the reason is that the guys last name is Kennedy. That's right, the grandson of a former presidential candidate from the 60's is still so "influential" that his grandson is in the news! Or is it that they have money and a famous last name? It is completely ridiculous that it is felt that this is national newsworthy! What has he done to help society? I can't think of anything so why should I care that he thinks he is above the hospital policies, and potential laws, to the point that he believes he has the right to push and kick the nursing staff that is trying to enforce these policies! And he and his wife were "appalled that these nurses attempted to take the baby away from him." Really? How do they know that he wasn't trying to steal the baby because they didn't really have a good marriage? This is their job and there are reasons that these policies, and potentially laws, are in place!
And what makes this even worse is that this incident occurred at the beginning of January! It was reported to the hospital administrator in a timely fashion, and he chose to ignore it. It was also reported to the police with written statements and hospital video in a timely fashion, and they chose to ignore it. This is only coming out now because an Assistant DA finally decided that it was time to take a chance to stand up to these "celebrities" and hold them responsible for their actions. I'm not sure who this Assistant DA is but I hope he really pushes the case rather than just doing it to say that it was done.
This crap needs to come to an end! It is no wonder to me why the "celebrities" of today think they are above the law. And the courts need to begin enforcing the laws removing the whole celebrity status. They need to start siding with the people of the United States who pay their salaries! It sends the wrong message to the youth of this great country that if you are famous you can get away with anything that you want, including drug use and possession.
I hope this Assistant DA has his stuff together so that this jackass won't get away with this...
So they were talking about this guy who tried to carry his newborn baby around the hospital and how the nursing staff tried to stop him due to hospital policy. I would have to guess that it is much more than just hospital policy, I would guess there are some laws with regards to it. So you may be thinking, why is this national news worthy? My thoughts exactly! Well it turns out the reason is that the guys last name is Kennedy. That's right, the grandson of a former presidential candidate from the 60's is still so "influential" that his grandson is in the news! Or is it that they have money and a famous last name? It is completely ridiculous that it is felt that this is national newsworthy! What has he done to help society? I can't think of anything so why should I care that he thinks he is above the hospital policies, and potential laws, to the point that he believes he has the right to push and kick the nursing staff that is trying to enforce these policies! And he and his wife were "appalled that these nurses attempted to take the baby away from him." Really? How do they know that he wasn't trying to steal the baby because they didn't really have a good marriage? This is their job and there are reasons that these policies, and potentially laws, are in place!
And what makes this even worse is that this incident occurred at the beginning of January! It was reported to the hospital administrator in a timely fashion, and he chose to ignore it. It was also reported to the police with written statements and hospital video in a timely fashion, and they chose to ignore it. This is only coming out now because an Assistant DA finally decided that it was time to take a chance to stand up to these "celebrities" and hold them responsible for their actions. I'm not sure who this Assistant DA is but I hope he really pushes the case rather than just doing it to say that it was done.
This crap needs to come to an end! It is no wonder to me why the "celebrities" of today think they are above the law. And the courts need to begin enforcing the laws removing the whole celebrity status. They need to start siding with the people of the United States who pay their salaries! It sends the wrong message to the youth of this great country that if you are famous you can get away with anything that you want, including drug use and possession.
I hope this Assistant DA has his stuff together so that this jackass won't get away with this...
Friday, February 24, 2012
Exaggerated News Stories
Tonight I got another one from the world news. I can't believe they really think we are so stupid as to believe this story is as bad as they claimed.
The reporter on the scene was in Chicago to talk about the "horrible" snow storm that is just decimating the midwest. It must have been a really slow news night as they were talking like these places never get 6 inches of snow in a day. I'm just not sure how that small amount could be, to use their phrasing, causing chaos. It is only 6 inches and it is a common thing for most areas that average more than 40 inches of snow per year so why is it such a big news story? I could understand if they were talking about somewhere like Atlanta, but Chicago? Why didn't they make a big deal out of the 2 inches per hour for 12 hours that Fulton received a few weeks ago? I will give you that it isn't as big a city or an important transportation hub but it is a much more significant total than 6 inches in 24 hours! And I don't think there is chaos based on this 6 inches in Chicago. I have watched football games where 6 inches has come down in the course of the game.
This "chaos" that they were talking about is the fact that with such a mild winter across the country people have gotten really complacent. It seems that everyone forgets that this is still February and it does tend to snow in many places throughout the country. Perhaps this reporter doesn't know what chaos is. The views of the airport that they showed didn't show people running around like they were crazy. It showed what I would call normal movement.
This where the title came from for this post. Whenever there isn't much to report we get stuck with a filler story that is so full of exaggeration that it points out the lack of quality that we are stuck with. Most of the time it is extremely easy to spot these because they use terms like chaos to describe what isn't really a chaotic scene. When it snows in a place such as Chicago, people understand and deal with it. It is a part of this time of year and it isn't something that we can control.
The other side of this is that there was actual severe weather with potential tornadoes that they seemed to just blow off because it was still under investigation. This isn't a normal time for a tornado so why not talk to climatologists to get their take on why we are seeing tornadoes and warnings for them this time of year? Oh, that's right, it didn't happen in a major metropolis where they had cameras...
The reporter on the scene was in Chicago to talk about the "horrible" snow storm that is just decimating the midwest. It must have been a really slow news night as they were talking like these places never get 6 inches of snow in a day. I'm just not sure how that small amount could be, to use their phrasing, causing chaos. It is only 6 inches and it is a common thing for most areas that average more than 40 inches of snow per year so why is it such a big news story? I could understand if they were talking about somewhere like Atlanta, but Chicago? Why didn't they make a big deal out of the 2 inches per hour for 12 hours that Fulton received a few weeks ago? I will give you that it isn't as big a city or an important transportation hub but it is a much more significant total than 6 inches in 24 hours! And I don't think there is chaos based on this 6 inches in Chicago. I have watched football games where 6 inches has come down in the course of the game.
This "chaos" that they were talking about is the fact that with such a mild winter across the country people have gotten really complacent. It seems that everyone forgets that this is still February and it does tend to snow in many places throughout the country. Perhaps this reporter doesn't know what chaos is. The views of the airport that they showed didn't show people running around like they were crazy. It showed what I would call normal movement.
This where the title came from for this post. Whenever there isn't much to report we get stuck with a filler story that is so full of exaggeration that it points out the lack of quality that we are stuck with. Most of the time it is extremely easy to spot these because they use terms like chaos to describe what isn't really a chaotic scene. When it snows in a place such as Chicago, people understand and deal with it. It is a part of this time of year and it isn't something that we can control.
The other side of this is that there was actual severe weather with potential tornadoes that they seemed to just blow off because it was still under investigation. This isn't a normal time for a tornado so why not talk to climatologists to get their take on why we are seeing tornadoes and warnings for them this time of year? Oh, that's right, it didn't happen in a major metropolis where they had cameras...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Celebrity Marriages
Tonight's rant is actually one that I have had in my list of just in case I have nothing to complain about. But the funny thing is that it was actually brought up on one of the entertainment shows while I searched for something real to watch after the news.
The brief snippet I heard mentioned how they were going to talk about the past couples walking down the red carpet for one of the "look at me, I'm famous" shows. Here is my take and part of the reason I don't care. Have you ever noticed that most celebrity dating starts shortly after they meet while working on a show or movie? I find it really funny that they always mention when the pair met but never seem to mention that they have met most of their "love" interests in the same way since becoming famous. And it seems to me that as we get the sexual scenes closer and closer to the pornography level in standard movies these celebrities seem to fall in and out of "love" much faster. Just think of how you felt when you first started dating someone who became significant in your life. Imagine if you are expected to pretend that you feel that way about someone. At some point you are going to have a hard time differentiating between the acting and reality. What was extremely risky in the 1970's for an R rated movie is now accepted as the norm for a PG movie now. I believe this leads to the actors having a difficult time differentiating between when they are working and when they are not.
These thoughts don't account for those that aren't in the acting business. As for those in the music industry, I believe it is a power thing. They have all of these people adoring them and they feel powerful. They can't help but take advantage of their fans desire to say that did something with someone famous.
These celebrities, for some reason, apparently feel the need to rush into marriage. Yes, that does work for some, but not most. Getting a divorce is too easy so they figure they can just get a divorce so what is the harm. Marriage isn't important like it once was, and I think celebrities play a huge role in that.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Ash Wednesday
Well, as you can guess by the title, I have a religious based rant tonight...
Just to be sure everyone is aware, I was brought up as a Catholic. I have a lot of issues with Christianity in general but this time of year really bugs me. As a joke, I have called Ash Wednesday Dirty Forehead Day. Why is it that putting ashes from some burned log is supposed to prove your devotion to a particular religion? But beyond that, how is it that giving up some kind of luxury is supposed to further that? As some of you may guess, this is only a small piece of my problem.
The real problem that I have is that so many suddenly become devout Christians. They suddenly follow the "rules" and think that they are going to be saved because of it. They don't really follow anything during the rest of the year but suddenly they feel the need to follow everything. For example, the no meat on Friday thing. To start with, why does anyone think that Jesus, God, or whatever deity (or deities) you believe in really care what you eat? I don't think (s)he/they do! In fact, I don't think there is a care in the after-life about how much you curse or attend church. What I believe is really cared about is how you act throughout your life. That's right, I don't believe finding God at the end of your life, or in prison, is going to save you! Either you have lead a life where you deserve to have a good after-life or you haven't.
Which brings us to another thing, who really gives a mortal the right to say you are forgiven? Yes, I get it, they have supposedly spoken to God. But notice that supposedly. I just don't believe that any deity would take the time to talk to an individual just to give them permission to forgive people. How does someone saying 100 Hail Mary's forgive them for treating someone poorly or worse?
Rather than go on and on about my thoughts on that, I would like to point out something that most people forget. Religion started as a form of government. Most of the "rules" that are in place are really a way to get you to conform to a norm. And if you look at some of the laws that are there now you will notice that there is a similarity to one of these "rules" of a religion. Once it proved to be just another form of monarchy and people started to defect, they began praying on people's biggest fear, the unknown.
Now this is certainly not to say that people who devote their lives to following a religion are bad people or wasting their time. In general they lead a good life. There have been a recent rash of these people not following a good life, but that is, I believe, truly rare. The only issue that I see with those few is that the "separation of church and state" in the US has allowed these criminals to get away with something that would put someone like me in prison for a long time. True separation would mean they pay taxes and face the same penalties as we do. But perhaps that is a different rant for another day...
Just to be sure everyone is aware, I was brought up as a Catholic. I have a lot of issues with Christianity in general but this time of year really bugs me. As a joke, I have called Ash Wednesday Dirty Forehead Day. Why is it that putting ashes from some burned log is supposed to prove your devotion to a particular religion? But beyond that, how is it that giving up some kind of luxury is supposed to further that? As some of you may guess, this is only a small piece of my problem.
The real problem that I have is that so many suddenly become devout Christians. They suddenly follow the "rules" and think that they are going to be saved because of it. They don't really follow anything during the rest of the year but suddenly they feel the need to follow everything. For example, the no meat on Friday thing. To start with, why does anyone think that Jesus, God, or whatever deity (or deities) you believe in really care what you eat? I don't think (s)he/they do! In fact, I don't think there is a care in the after-life about how much you curse or attend church. What I believe is really cared about is how you act throughout your life. That's right, I don't believe finding God at the end of your life, or in prison, is going to save you! Either you have lead a life where you deserve to have a good after-life or you haven't.
Which brings us to another thing, who really gives a mortal the right to say you are forgiven? Yes, I get it, they have supposedly spoken to God. But notice that supposedly. I just don't believe that any deity would take the time to talk to an individual just to give them permission to forgive people. How does someone saying 100 Hail Mary's forgive them for treating someone poorly or worse?
Rather than go on and on about my thoughts on that, I would like to point out something that most people forget. Religion started as a form of government. Most of the "rules" that are in place are really a way to get you to conform to a norm. And if you look at some of the laws that are there now you will notice that there is a similarity to one of these "rules" of a religion. Once it proved to be just another form of monarchy and people started to defect, they began praying on people's biggest fear, the unknown.
Now this is certainly not to say that people who devote their lives to following a religion are bad people or wasting their time. In general they lead a good life. There have been a recent rash of these people not following a good life, but that is, I believe, truly rare. The only issue that I see with those few is that the "separation of church and state" in the US has allowed these criminals to get away with something that would put someone like me in prison for a long time. True separation would mean they pay taxes and face the same penalties as we do. But perhaps that is a different rant for another day...
Opening of Comments
Good evening. Just wanted to let everyone know that I just changed the settings so that you can post a comment anonymously. I was thinking it would get some more interest in the comments. Would still love to have some followers though...
Tonight's rant in a few...
Tonight's rant in a few...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Medical Problem
Tonight I am going to talk about a problem there is with all of the medical studies.
I was watching the news tonight, it was on both the local and world, and they were talking about heart attacks. The focus of the studies were on women and their symptoms. The whole gist of the study was how to most talked about symptom, a shooting pain down the left arm, wasn't the most telling sign for women. The signs could be a pain in the lower back, pains in the neck, blah, blah, blah... The problem is that many of these symptoms can be the signs of many other things. And this is the problem with many other medical studies. Most of the time the symptoms have a lot of similarities to other medical issues. If you were to actually look at the symptoms in the list (I can't remember now, CRS you know), it is amazing how many things they point out could be a heart attack in a woman. Some of them would not normally be considered leading to a heart attack.
Now before anyone accuses me of being biased and defending the doctor's in the urgent care facilities or emergency rooms, let me be clear I am not! To begin with, I am extremely glad that this is getting some attention as heart attacks are the #1 killer of women, not breast cancer! It is about time it is mentioned as a real problem. If this study is true with regards to the misdiagnosis that is happening I would guess that the number of deaths could be reduced drastically if when someone comes in to one of these facilities - regardless of race, religion, or sex - all things were checked. What I am complaining about is the study itself. Studies like this are what made my grandmother on my mother's side a hypochondriac. They spread paranoia for no reason other than to justify the financing of the study, not to mention allowing the author to get their name out there. The other issue with many of these studies are the number of people involved in the study. Quite often there are numbers near 1000. I have never been able to understand how such a small percentage of the population is supposed to represent the whole population.
I understand that they want to get information out there so that doctors can make informed decisions but I think they need to do a little thinking prior to the release. This particular study could save some lives if applied correctly. Of course, it could also cost a lot of money because every little ache or pain doesn't mean you are having a heart attack...
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