Thursday, August 2, 2012


Caught a bit of the news tonight.  One of the stories just really bugged the living you know what out of me.  It has to do with the shooting that happened in Colorado.

Yep, they are still milking that story for all they can get out of it.  I think at this point it has run it's course until the actual trial begins.  So what were they talking about tonight?  Warning signs.  I think it is a good idea checking things to better prepare for the future is a good idea.  However, I don't think exposing every detail on the news is necessary.  And dragging that detail out for several weeks just tells me that they are having a difficult time finding real stories to report on.

At any rate, what bugs me about this is that they seem to be trying to find someone to put the blame on.  I don't think it is the police who are trying to do this, I think it is the media.  Once again, I think the media is trying to play police just to get a scoop on a story.  Reporting on this is all about bringing the cash in.  How many people are really concerned about so much detail that it takes 5 to 10 minutes of every night for 3 weeks?  The worst thing is that you will get people forming extreme and fixed opinions based on that 5 to 10 minutes.  Some will even get to the point that talking to them you would think they were there!  My point is that analyzing every detail and word that anyone who had contact with him makes isn't going to change what happened.  And even is someone would have done something in an attempt to stop him, it is possible that he would have just acted sooner or perhaps gone into hiding.  People who conceal as much of their activities as he did are going to do something unless they are killed before they act.  He is a very intelligent person who had a lot of the details painstakingly planned.  If someone took action it could have triggered him to do something different that was unexpected.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but what needs to be kept in mind is that you can't change the past, nor can you change the future.  What may be something that you feel should have been a red flag may not have seemed like it at the time.  And what is a red flag with some isn't necessarily a red flag with others.  Every one is different and that makes preventing things like this difficult.

Unless they can show something that proves beyond a doubt that he was going to commit this crime and no one did anything to prevent it, stop looking for anyone else to blame!  They didn't pull the trigger.

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