What I'm talking about is the group of representatives that went swimming in some sea in Europe. I will hand it to them that they had it right when stating that the representative shouldn't have jumped in naked. That was utterly stupid to the max! He is representing the United States in another country, what kind of message does he think this sends to the rest of the world? This kind of arrogant activity is what is ruining the world's image of Americans. But what bothered me about the story is how had to point out how this was the place where several events related to Christianity. The reason that I have a problem is that they spoke of these as fact! We have no real proof that the stories in the bible aren't anything more then stories that are meant to teach you how to behave. In fact, many of the stories were stolen from much older religions. I won't really go in to that much as I have done it before. But this is a huge sea that they jumped into. Do they really believe that no one swims in this water? Their attack on him just for that is really stupid on the part of the producers of the news. They are obviously trying to make this a religious thing attempting to appeal to the large Christian base in the United States. Really stupid move if you ask me.
But let's talk about the political piece of this that bothered me. This was a political trip where they were representing the United States. But the trip wasn't funded by the federal government, it was privately funded. That's right, it was privately funded. They didn't specify who funded it but I can guess that it was some lobbying group and the trip probably was going to support the companies who pay the salary of the lobbyists. I know we are strapped for cash but we can't allow private companies to fund trips. That will lead to the government not doing their job, protecting the people.
Want to know the other stories that I was considering? Here you go:
Afghanistan troops shooting Americans who are walking right next to them. Simply put, withdraw all troops and let them fend for themselves. Give me a break, helping them get to a point where they can govern and protect their people is costing us billions of dollars and thousands of American lives. If that is how they want to treat us let them suffer.
Augusta is now allowing women. I get that it is something special but come on. If there was an all women's club do you think there would be so much made of it? I don't, in fact I would hazard a guess that there are a few. Sure, they aren't as high a profile as this but no one has mentioned it. And I doubt they ever will.
Apple is now the highest valued company in the history of the world. Big deal! At this point, it is riding on the fact that a lot of judges are siding with them at this point. But now that Google is starting to go on the offensive things may change. I also believe it is only a matter of time before more judges start to see through Apple's smoke and start turning the tables. It is also only a matter of time before the company is forced to actually innovate. There are some article out there that show that Apple hasn't really innovated anything, only stolen from those that did the innovation.
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