Thursday, August 16, 2012

Again? Give Me a Break!

Not much television tonight as we went out for dinner.  But that certainly isn't to say I don't have something to complain about though.  This is what should be a repeat from the other day but for some reason I apparently forgot.

The other night I worked on my car but when I got home I noticed something in the "empty" lot next to me.  I put that in quotes because when we first purchased the property and moved in there was an old trailer there. No one lived there and about 3 or 4 years ago it collapsed.  Sometime within the last few weeks someone has begun to finally start cleaning it, which is great in that it will be cleaned and it means someone may be planning to move in.  To get rid of the brush, and presumably the junk, they are burning it.

And that is where the problem comes in.  When I got home Monday evening There were 2 large fires burning.  I did mention that there hasn't even been a house for several years, and out here where there isn't a house, there isn't a pump which means no water.  But let's go beyond that.  When I went to talk to them because of the extremely dry summer we've had there was no one there.  Since I was concerned I called it in.  The fire department came and put them out.  So tonight when going on my walk I noticed that the fires were burning again and no one was around so we called it in again.  And that's what I don't get.  What the hell are these people thinking?  We had very little snow fall last winter and this summer has been extremely dry!

I just wish these people would think about the people they may be effecting with their actions!  How would they feel if their unattended fires spread and got out of control?  Just another example of people having the attitude of not caring because it doesn't directly effect them.

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