Thursday, December 13, 2012

I've Gotta be First

Another driving gripe tonight.  It's getting closer to winter in central New York and I've seen two extremes of driving.  Both types are really dangerous and very annoying!  It's just one reason that I feel driving tests should be given during the winter only.

Type number one is the exaggerator.  You know the type, snow falling with nothing on the ground or road yet they feel they need to drive like it's a white out with two feet on the road.  But let's take that a step further, the road isn't even wet yet.  I think it's pretty obvious why they are annoying, they are driving needlessly slow.  And that is the same reason they are dangerous.  These people are the ones that are in a 55MPH zone driving 25MPH with the wipers on high and their knuckles white from squeezing the steering wheel so tight.  They are usually hunched over the wheel acting like they can't see out the window because it's iced over.  If you think you need to drive like this you need to get on the bus.  That isn't a metaphor for something else, I mean literally get on the bus.  Stop driving because you are a serious danger to everyone else on the road.

The other type are those that act as if there is no snow.  You know this type also.  They are the ones that will drive 80MPH in a 55MPH zone while there is 2 feet of snow on the road.  And they will also cut across 3 lanes of traffic because they "suddenly" realize that their exit is 100 feet away.  Yep, they are the ones in a minivan that tips because they are turning the wheel so hard to get to the exit.  I always find it funny when they pass me while I'm driving a safe speed then see them in the ditch a mile down the road.  Even when I would stop to help people (that's another rant) I would never help these people.  Sure, if the car was flipped that would be different.  But when it has just plowed 50 feet through 3 feet of snow, all I can do is laugh.

Yep, I think driving tests during the winter would help along with a test every 10 years.  If nothing else I would like to see driver's ed classes (mandatory in New York) be required to be taken during the winter.

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