Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Trying to Start Again

Alright everyone.  I know it's been a while since I posted anything but life happens.  I've decided that since having the blog hasn't increased comments and hasn't really given me any income from ads I will post the full rant on both the Google+ page and the blog.  Feel free to comment on either or both.

On to the rant...
I've noticed something a little odd that I can't decide if it's a rant, a pet peeve, or both.  At work they have those stupid paper toilet seat covers.  I get the concept of them but according to most doctors they won't really help.  So that comes in as a complaint.  If they don't really help, why offer them other then to keep some company in business?  Oh wait, I guess it will give the environmentalists something to complain about too.  But seriously, it's just something else to fill up the waste systems.  Get rid of them!  Put something more useful in there like some sanitizing wipes.  They will actually do a better job of keeping someone safe.

So that doesn't sound like a typical rant from me right?  I suppose you are correct.  But what gets me with this is that the people using these things will also take a wet paper towel in and wipe the seat first.  What's the freaking point?  You just trying to make sure the thing sticks?  Do you realize that by doing this you are defeating the purpose of the stupid cover anyway?  When you get the cover wet it becomes porous thus letting any germs that it could have blocked right through.  Think a little people!

But what makes this a real rant is that these same people will walk out of the restroom without even washing their hands.  I find it utterly amazing that they are so "careful" that they take the time to waste a bunch of paper to protect themselves in a way that has been shown not to work then turn around and avoid protecting themselves in a way that has been proven to work.

These people need to get a clue!

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