Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Want Answers

I only caught part of the story as I was headed out the door but it's something that is repeated after each and every tragic event.  It doesn't matter whether it is something that is natural or it's a man-made thing.  In this case it is the Boston Marathon bombing.

So who was asking for answers?  Congress.  After every event the news will show the politicians stating that they want answers as to how it could have happened.  For the most part people don't notice that it's really a political move.  The problem that I have is that the answer usually lies hidden because the press won't expose it.  I mentioned the bombing so let me explain my opinion.  I think the answer is pretty simple, they continue to cut funding for law enforcement.  I have to be honest in stating that during something like this it shouldn't be taxpayer money paying for the security however, it should be taxpayer dollars to know there may be a plan such as this.  But they continue to cut services such as law enforcement while adding more fluff in the form of pointless studies.  I won't get into those as I've done that before.  So there's the answer on that.  Simple, stop cutting funding for services that protect us and start cutting on grants that do nothing other then prove that we like to waste money.Want another example?  How about the whole situation with Governor Cuomo and hurricane Sandy?  Flooding was so bad that when a friend of mine took some donated supplies down he was thanked by a woman that was sweeping the sand out of a hole in the wall of her kitchen, on the second floor.  That's right, the storm surge was that high.  And after a week of non-stop repairs from thousands of utility crews all Cuomo could do was threaten them because not everyone had their power back.  Political threat?  You bet!  See the problem was that the storm wiped out complete sections of the power grid meaning that it had to be completely rebuilt.  Some of that grid is underground.  Did you see the story aired on ABC where it showed that the subway was flooded?  The subway that was two stories underground was flooded to ground level.  Can you imagine telling an electrical worker that he needs to crawl through water as deep as his neck to run new lines?  I don't think anyone could.  But top that off with the fact that the salt water did major damage to the electrical panels in buildings.  So even when the power was restored to the building it couldn't be turned on.  Why?  Well a new installation of an electrical box requires an inspection by an inspector.  Imagine having to take the time to do your job right with an inspection that takes several hours.  Sure there are probably a few hundred in a city like New York.  But we are talking about a need to inspect thousands of new units.  I won't say that the utility companies are completely blameless, just that the blame needs to be shared.

What do you think?

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