Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sore Losers

Not much to complain about from the news broadcasts tonight other then something that they missed.  They are so Obama centric that they seem to avoid pointing out anything that shows poor leadership.  This is something that I first read about yesterday but decided that I would wait to be sure that it wasn't some kind of joke.  Well, it isn't based on the article that I read today.

I really don't care if you decide to take the time to read the articles (yesterday'stoday's) as you know I will give you a briefing.  I just want to give you the opportunity in case you don't believe me for some reason.  Yeah, it's that outrageous that I would think you may not believe me!  Here's the scoop.  There are apparently 33 states in which someone has started a petition to secede from the United States.  Yep, you read that right!  The first article I learned about from someone that I follow on Google+, I had to delete my first three or four comments before I finally put one there that was something beyond going completely nuts on these idiots.

Here's the first problem.  A majority of these people are stating that they want to leave the US because of the financial problems that are plaguing our nation.  One of the first petitions filed was from the state of Louisiana.  I really want to clue these people in to something, the city of New Orleans would not have come back from the Katrina disaster without the help of the federal government and the taxes that people like me pay.  I'm not going to say that the government handled the situation perfectly but they did put billions of dollars into the restoration of the city.  Where do these people think that cash would have come from?  If they think taxes are high now, imagine what they would be if those billions of dollars was coming from the mere 4.5 million people living in the state rather then the 300 million in the US!

Now let's move on beyond that one.  Let's talk about something else that they didn't think of.  If this were to happen, going to visit grandma may not be so simple.  Over the last 20-30 years it has become more and more common that you will not raise your children in the area that you were raised.  Imagine having to have a passport to go from New York to Pennsylvania!  Each border you cross would mean that you would have to deal with border patrol agents, and that isn't always a pleasant or quick experience.  Imagine the issues you would have if you worked in New York City but lived in New Jersey!  And look a little deeper, not only would these borders be closed to open and free trade, which will increase costs of goods further as well.  Currently there are a lot of taxes levied against products that are imported to help American companies compete, those won't go away folks.

And lastly, what inspired this rant.  A majority of these states are where the popular vote was very close or Romney actually won.  There are exceptions to that including mine own state of New York.  This comes across as a very childish to me.  I personally attribute this kind of reaction to the concept of eliminating the winners from sports.  Kids just don't learn what it means to lose.  I am not happy that Obama was re-elected but that is why there is a vote.  If you think you can do things better then the candidates that were presented to you, get involved and possibly even run for office!  That is what the democratic process is about, if you don't like something do something about it.  If you think that your best option is to attempt to get your state removed from the United States, move to another country!  I saw, possibly in the article from today, that they had found that in at least one state a large number of people that signed the petition don't even live in the state.  Makes me wonder how many of these people are even real.

So I'm not sure how far this will go.  Obama is required to respond to at least two of them per the rules of the site that he initiated.  Am I happy at the outcome of the election?  Absolutely not!  Would I ever sign a petition to back the concept of seceding from the country?  Absolutely not!  I believe there will be some kind of revolution before my life ends, but secession isn't the way to do it.  Secession is a cowards way out of it if you ask me.

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