Monday, November 5, 2012

Almost There!

So finally the world news covered something more then the tragic aftermath of hurricane Sandy.  Yep, that's right they decided that something else was going on in the world.  And they decided that it deserved another extended broadcast.

Please don't get me wrong, I believe it was a tragedy however I don't think it warranted 3 days of full hour broadcasts where 90% of those hours were showing the devastation.  So what was happening that caused them to extend the broadcast again?  Election day is tomorrow.  Apparently it isn't bad enough that during the local news I saw one commercial during the entire 90 minute broadcast that wasn't politically based.  Nope, they feel that they need to talk to you more about it.  And to make matters worse, a majority of the broadcast was devoted to it.  They spoke briefly about the hurricane aftermath, and even more briefly about the American soldier that went on the killing spree was about to face trial.  So we have gone from nothing happening other then the hurricane tragedy to nothing happening but the election.  Come on, the purpose of the news is to inform you about everything going on in the world, not to focus on one or two events, no matter how important or tragic they are.  So I was hoping to get away from all of it by watching the NFL game tonight.  But they made sure to let us know that both presidential candidates had not only set up ads to run during the game but they would be making an appearance during the game as well.  Yeah, like I haven't heard enough about you yet!

I do believe that voting is very important.  What I don't believe is that it is really about serving your country.  It is about money and that starts with the campaign trail.  A few days ago the news was talking about how much one of them had raised in comparison to the other.  And if you don't believe me there, let's take a look at their campaign path.  They are both flying all over the country.  And I'm not talking about little hops from one state to a bordering one.  I'm talking about going from the east coast to the upper mid-west to the Gulf coast to California to the mid-west.  That is a huge waste of money!  But neither of them care because someone else is paying for it and it makes them look good. I'm not sure whose eyes it makes them look good in but it isn't mine!

So at any rate, I'm very excited that it will all come to an end tomorrow!  Yes, I know it will happen again but this year just seems to be a whole lot worse then previous ones.  Perhaps it is because Obama is a media darling, or perhaps it is because Romney is the first Mormon to be nominated.  My personal belief is that it is because they have all of that cash sitting there burning a whole in their pockets.  With the recent events, wouldn't it be really nice if they took the extra and donated it to the Red Cross to help some of these people?

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