Friday, March 28, 2014

Different Standards

I know what you may be thinking, once again I said I was going to start this again.  I am going to but it might not be a daily thing.  Follow the blog if you want to know.  I don't get to see your email and even if I could, I wouldn't share it.  So on to the rant!

I don't often complain about people I work with but today has pushed me over the edge.  The unfortunate piece is that I don't see it changing any time soon.  So what's the deal?  Hit the link to read more and find out...

Some of you know that I recently accepted a position with the company that I've been contracting with for nearly 2 years.  Honestly, I like it and I like who I work for.  I would not have accepted the offer if that wasn't the case.  But that doesn't mean I have to like all of the others that he hires.  The position I was offered is part of an expansion from 3 regular employees to 8.  Part of this expansion is to split the team into 2 groups, 1 focusing on structure and the other focusing on all other needs from a human resource perspective.  I was offered a position as part of the organizational structure team yet over the last couple of year, I've done a lot of data extraction.  Much of that extraction is to make my job easier.  One of the current tasks for the team is to develop a series of auditing tools.  I certainly wouldn't mind helping out however, I wasn't asked by my supervisor to be part of the team (beyond the org that I'm part of).  What really set me off is that I've been so buried in one aspect of my position that I haven't been able to do any of the rest of it.  This other analyst was placed as the representative from the org for it.  She was brought in because of a piece of software that's designed for running reports, we call it BI (business intelligence).  She is very knowledgeable with the product, the problem is the product wasn't set up correctly.  This means that more then half of the data needed for these audit reports isn't available to her.

So my issue comes to light when you go back to my interview.  I was asked if I was willing to learn new software, I said of course.  I really enjoy learning new software.  But she isn't being expected learn the tool that I know for some reason though.  And what kills me with it is that she's the type that puts in her 40 hours and nothing more.  Just to come even close to the work load that I already have, I'm already putting in between 45 and 50.  That doesn't include this additional stuff.  I'm sorry, it just don't get the double standard.  I thought I was pretty clear prior to the offer that I was only working 55 hours a week because I was paid hourly.  Now that I'm salaried, I want to spend time with my family.  Why is it that she gets to do that but I can't?  I'm hoping that it's because I've proven to be more valuable but I'm not holding my breathe on that.  I'm sticking with that because I haven't seen her do much of anything since joining our group other then state that the data isn't in BI.

Just ticks me off to no end when there are double standards in any aspect of anything.


  1. I see double standards ALL day at work. Unfortunately, I seem to always be on the negative end of those (others getting away with crap that is "unacceptable" for the rest of us. Bastards. I say start going hone after 40 hours. Work will never put your personal life as a priority ...and they'll do do you whatever you allow. :/

    1. I'm always in the same boat. The problem is that I like the other person in the org structure part and don't want to put her in there any more then she's been in there the last 5 years. We have a 3rd member of the group starting in a month and that may help some but I'm not going to let it run my life. 50 is my max without some serious justification...
