Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Refreshing Change

How about this, a second post in less then a week!  And this one is going to be significantly different then any other post I've ever done on here.  It may be a shock to any of you who know me...

There are several podcasts that I follow.  I run the video because you never know if there will be something that you want to see that they are talking about.  Most of them are from a particular network, TWiT for This Week in Technology.  I was watching one of their new ones called Coding 101 where they were taking a break between languages and were talking to someone who did something really cool.  He created something that, based on calculations and an occasional trajectory check against NASA's computers, will light up when the international space station is above you.  You might think this doesn't happen often but based on the conversation they were having, it happens quite often.  To the point that, according to the guest, during the course of a typical day it will fly over the heads of 90% of the entire population of the Earth!  That's amazing no matter how you look at it.  He did a Kickstarter and reached his goal within a few hours.  While he was on the show, he said that since Kickstarter hadn't paid him the pledges yet he hadn't ordered the materials yet and he was willing to take orders until he places the order.  I jumped right on it because I think my kids will find it rather neat.  So I went through the process of signing up for a PayPal account because it'd been so long since I used it I forgot what email I even used to create it (by the way, you don't have to sign up for an account if you don't want to).  And I placed my order.

So what's the gripe?  Where's the rant?  That's what makes this different then anything I've ever done, there isn't one.  I'm all about throwing a fit and complaining when things go wrong or something isn't right, but this guy did something that most wouldn't do.  He checked my order and saw that I accidentally signed up for the international shipping though I live in the US.  He took the time to send me an email and notified me that he would refund the difference before the end of the day.  And you know what?  He did!  It makes me even more satisfied with the decision to purchase this item.  He was pretty straight forward during the interview in stating that most of the cost was to cover his time for programming and I'm perfectly fine with that.  When someone takes the time to do the complex programming that he did, they should get reimbursed for it.

And here's some more good news, if you would like to order one of your own you can.  I'm guessing that he still hasn't received his money from the Kickstarter campaign as he's extended the cutoff for the grace period to 3pm on Friday April 4th, 2014.  Hurry on over and grab your's to support someone who is honest and doing business the right way.

Here's the link to the sight to learn more and/or order one: ISS Above.

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