Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Such Disrespect

Alright, I'm not going to pretend to be starting up on a regular basis anymore.  Life is in the way and I'm enjoying the time with my kids.  So, please follow me either on the blog or on Google+.  That way you will know when I post something.  Today's rant is all about complete and total disrespect for those that have put their life on the line for our country.  And this comes from the top of the heap...
I caught a little of the World News tonight and saw something that really annoyed me.  I didn't serve in the military but I know many that did, including an uncle and a grandmother.  So to see our president get off the helicopter and not even put his cup of tea in the other hand to salute the Marines that have devoted themselves to his protection ticked me off to say the least!  I get that there is nothing that states he has to salute them, but to not take the cup out of his hand to do it is completely disrespectful of the intent behind it.  It goes to show the arrogance that he represents!  These people are willing to die to protect him yet he can't even be bothered to salute them properly.  The better thing to do would be to not salute them at all!

And apparently this isn't the only time he's done this in a half-hearted way.  While looking for this to provide a link, I found that he couldn't be bothered to stop talking on the phone long enough to show them some respect (you'll have to scroll down a bit on that one).  This is appalling to me as an American.  If you don't believe in it, don't do it!  Simple as that.

But what I believe pushed me over the top with it was ABC trying to make light of it.  Just reinforces my view that he was elected because the media wanted him to be.  They pushed and pushed him, giving him more coverage for free then any of his opponents.  He does something stupid and they pretend that it's funny or cute.

Not cool ABC, not cool at all!

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