Saturday, December 5, 2020

Enough of the Oversight!

 I was a faithful user of Google Play Music from the beginning, as in within a month of the start of the service.  This switch to YouTube Music, though I understand the reasoning, has been horrible!  Not only am I now missing a ton of music from my custom built playlists, but now they are taking things way too far with the oversight given by the government.  The specific oversight that I'm speaking of is regarding the protection of children of parents that should not have been allowed to have children!  Please read on and comment...

I noticed that several of my songs were replaced by really dumb replacements in the initial conversion.  I get it, mistakes can happen but this was really bad!  They replaced several songs with karaoke versions or orchestral renditions!  Who in their right mind would want to be listing to a karaoke version of a song in the middle of a hard rock playlist?  Not that I wanted to spend more time rebuilding my playlist, but whatever, I can handle it.  Fixed the hard rock and oldies playlists as best I could.  And I say as best I could because so much music isn't available even though they promised it would be!  Like you you ask, Jimi Hendrix for one.  You can find a few here and there but not much, really annoying.  But I managed and did what I could.

Tonight, I decided that I needed to check my Christmas music playlist and what an annoyance!  I really like some of the older versions of songs such as The Ronnettes version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus".  Showed as not being in the playlist so I searched for it and there it was.  Quick listen verified that it was the version that I like so tried adding it to the playlist to be told that I can't with this message:

What the!  This is a song from the 1960s, how is it intended for kids?  So I click the LEARN MORE link and see this:

Are you freaking kidding me?  Because they checked the stupid box saying it was intended for kids, I can't add it to a freaking playlist?  And what's more, it's just the song, it isn't the video!  Next step, try a different version.  Same issue when attempting to add the version by The Jackson 5.

I'm really tired of the government stepping in deciding what is best for kids just because there are so many parents out there that can't be bothered to spend time with their kids.  At what point is this going to stop?  We are getting to the point that we are being told what we can watch or listen to just because of these kinds of laws.

Is this YouTube's fault?  Yes and no.  I understand that they have to follow the laws, but they don't need to go this far with being overly concerned with government fines!  There is a separate platform for kids and I'm not using it, why am I being limited on what I can and can't watch?  Give me something that says my playlist is not aimed at children!

I've been waiting to see if they improved things (such as liking a song doesn't mean I like all versions by any artist), but this may push me over the edge.  I am going to start seriously looking at other services to see if they fit my needs.  I pay for the ability to stream music so that I can select what I listen to, not so I can be told what I am allowed to listen to.

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