Thursday, May 31, 2012

No Diet Necessary For NYC Residents

I missed the news again but I read something this morning that really bothered me.  Apparently New York City's Mayor Bloomberg and his staff are now some kind of nutritional experts.  Beyond that, they are really stepping on your right to choose what you want.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Starvation in Africa

I didn't catch the news tonight so I will have to pull one from last night.  Remember, last night was full of good ones and this one certainly fits the bill.  I think you can guess what the basis of the story is.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Interview with a Prince

With the wet weather this evening, I have had a chance to catch the news.  And it certainly didn't disappoint me at all tonight.  I started writing about one of the others and I got one that was even better.  They played what turned out to be a tease of an interview with one of the princes of England.  I have complained about this in the past as not being news for the United States (The Royal Family).

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Problem with Linux

I think I have stated recently that I am trying Ubuntu Linux because I am not impressed at all with the new look (Metro) of the forthcoming Windows 8.  I don't want to use a phone interface when I'm using a desktop computer!  But I have come across something beyond not being able to run my favorite game of Civilization.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Commercial Drivers

Another busy night had me outside before I got to see much of the news.  But I had a run-in with something that has bothered me in the past.  Finally had it happen at a time when I remembered it for this.  I just don't understand what the folks driving the commercial vehicles are thinking!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Portion Sizes

The weather cooperated tonight so I got to do the work that I planned on doing last night plus what I was planning on tonight.  But that meant that I didn't catch the news once again.  But I did read an article earlier today and saw another post on Google+ with yet another talking about similar things.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Don't Invent Machines

I didn't catch much of the news between cooking on the grill and getting stuck in the shop during the downpour, but I did catch something that ties into something that I've complained about before.  It had to do with a bunch of people complaining about Onondaga county purchasing machines.

Monday, May 21, 2012

So Called New Television Shows

My wife saw a commercial for a show that we had seen in the past and really liked, so she recorded it.  It stated that it was an all new series so we were excited about it.  What a disappointment we had when finally got to sit down and watch it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Google+ Drawback

Another beautiful day today and I avoided television after I watched the NASCAR All Start race with my oldest.  I'm not a fan but I love spending time with the kids.  But that actually lead me to doing something that I have done many times but I tried something different this time just to share the experience.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Artificial Sweeteners

Beautiful day today so I didn't get to watch any television until now (9pm).  That is the kind of day that I like.  But I did have to go shopping for some groceries and I found something while there.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stupid Comments

I actually caught most of the world news tonight but I don't feel that there was anything there that I haven't commented on before.  The big issue I had there was that entertainment news took precedence over real news again!  Tonight I am going to use some personal experience as it really annoyed me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Ongoing Fine Crap

I caught a very little of the local news tonight.  I have begun to realize that getting quality rants is going to take some reading.  If you aren't in the Syracuse area you probably aren't being subjected to nearly as much coverage of the whole Bernie Fine situation that we are.  And it appears that it is going to pick up once again.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

John Edwards Saga

I've been trying to avoid the subject but I just can't do it any more.  This has been on the air too much for what it is about.  People do this all the time, get caught, and go to trial over it.  What makes his story any different than any of them?  Oh that's right, he is a "celebrity" so it must mean we are all fascinated by him!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bottles and Pacifiers Can Hurt

Well, you guessed it, this is the result of another stupid study.  I just can't understand why we keep funding these studies.  There isn't a reason to perform the studies, they are completely based on common sense.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Piracy is Killing Hollywood

It has actually been a really nice weekend weather wise so I haven't watched too much television.  That is making it a little difficult to come up with something to complain about but as you can guess, I found something. The motion picture association of America (MPAA) has constantly said that piracy is killing their business and they are losing millions of dollars.  Something that came out today contradicts that drastically!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Snacks at the Game

I didn't post last night because I went to the local AAA baseball game for a while.  Really strange that neither of the kids have any interest in baseball but love going to the games.  Anyway, that brings us to tonight's topic, the price of things at the game.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Smoking Lie

I have griped in the past about the NYS Smoker Cessation Program but the latest commercial has brought me back to it.  This one is something that I can actually use personal experience to prove them wrong!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another Pointless Study

Caught another study that was a waste of money.  At least this time it wasn't our money though.  From what I read it was done in Europe.  Of course, if Congress has it's way they will be shelling cash out to save all of Europe so I guess it is only not our money for the time being.  This one was another one about sitting making you obese.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Gluten Free Diet

There was a piece on the news tonight regarding the huge upswing in people putting themselves on a gluten free diet.  It said that it has become popular because some celebrities have credited it with giving them their "great" bodies.  Wow how far from the truth that is!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Local Photo Contest

I took what turned out to be a really nice picture of last night's "super" moon (to the right) and my wife said that I should enter it for the local news channel's daily bragging rights photo.  I was a little hesitant but decided to do it just to please her.  Well, that turned into a long adventure that, you guessed it, annoyed me.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Web Page Optimization

I was going to complain about a bunch of people in one of the "historic" towns south of Syracuse as they annoyed me regarding an historic home but I came up with something else.  See I was going to read the article again but was having trouble finding it in Google Currents (great little program if it is available for you phone).  So I figured it would be easier to find it using the computer since I am sitting here now.  Boy was I wrong!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Don't Eat What You Like

I caught the local news tonight.  They do a feature about being healthy and tonight's was about a new study regarding our eating habits.  It is another situation where I can't believe that somebody (probably you and I via taxes) funded this study as it is really stupid!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Arrogant Stars

There has been a lot of time that I have complained about stars and their whining.  Well there was another and this one I think goes off the deep end.  This latest one comes from the has been Wil Wheaton.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Big Miss by ESPN

I have complained in the past about celebrity events being on the news and not on an entertainment show.  This time I am going to complain about something that is almost the opposite.  By now most of you have probably heard that Junior Seau apparently committed suicide early this morning.  There was a brief mention of it on the world news and this time it probably belonged there.  But where an in-depth story should have been appears to be absent.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Me Me Me

We weren't paying much attention to the television tonight so one of the home makeover shows came on that we don't normally watch because it isn't something that we like.  The premise of the show is that these homeowners are going to do something in preparation for selling their house.  I think you can figure out which one I'm talking about.