So last night I spent the evening loading a rental truck because my mother is moving. And I spent today unloading that truck. I wasn't able to watch any television so you might think I don't really have much to rant about, right? Well you would be wrong as you can probably guess.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
City Parking
So my new job I have to work in downtown Syracuse. I know, downtown Syracuse is nothing like major cities. Keep in mind that I have lived here all my life and never really had the desire to go anywhere else, especially a larger city. But that leads to the problem that most cities in the United States have. They were planned and laid out before the invention of cars. More and more cities are having financial issues because they can't get people to shop, work, and/or live in the downtown area. And what makes it worse is the fact that they can't figure out why. Well, I'm here to let them know.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Oneida Lake Water Level
Oh boy, I'm in trouble with the global warming freaks again! I was actually surprised that it wasn't mentioned with the story. That's right, some believe that global warming is causing all sort of problems. They don't even take all things into consideration when they make the statements they do.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Pink Slime
You guessed it, I didn't watch the news intensely tonight but I have one I from last night's news. This has been in the news over the last few weeks so I think it is fair game. I'm not really sure how long the rant will be but here goes. Everyone is suddenly in an uproar over this whole "pink slime" issue. I can see both sides of the coin on this but tend to lean more toward the "it's not right" camp.
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Trayvon Martin Tragedy
Well as you can guess, I was able to catch the news tonight. This story has been going wild on the internet but I'm not trying to get any notoriety out of this post. It is just the usual rant about stupid people and stupid events. The emphasis on this post is on the stupid people in the event.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Healthy Hair
A short one tonight as I haven't seen much television today. How many of you have seen a commercial for shampoo and/or conditioner? If there is someone who doesn't have their hand raised, you are probably looking at someone that doesn't watch much television. I find it amazing just how inaccurate they are!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Basketball Royalty
Been watching a lot of college basketball and it will get worse over the next couple of nights. And what gets me are some of the really stupid things that the commentators have said. They just mentioned another one and it got me started as I really didn't have anything else. I find it amazing just how stupid some of these people can be.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Apple Fan
Oh my have I got a good one tonight! I follow a reporter that focuses on Android (you will find his blog in my list, it is Android Power). He is also a co-founder of eSarcasm so you know he likes to have fun with things. He posted something on Google+ about the New iPad versus the iPad 2. Now you know I had to put some comments on there about it. But what has me going tonight is that some Apple fan decided to spout off about how great Apple is.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Global Warming Argument
I can't believe I almost forgot what I was going to write about! This is something that has really bugged me for many years. And the current temperature trends in the United States are only going to fuel the exaggeration by those that want to put everyone in a panic! That's right, in the United States, over the last 5 days, there have been well over 1000 record high temperatures recorded.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The Royal Family
Not sure how many of you are from Great Britain. If you are, you may wish to either skip this post or really rip me a new one in the comments. This isn't really anything against your traditions and customs, it has much more to do with where I live.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Small Price Increase
Have you ever been told that some service you use must increase their charges a small amount? Then you look at the small amount they are talking about and it turns out to be much more than what you would consider a small amount by your terms. They try to make it seem smaller than it really is by giving you the increased cost per day. Again, another example of how these companies think the consumers are not smart!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Car Insurance Savings
A wonderful weekend of March Madness viewing! It is great to see the talent level spreading out as it makes for really great games. Which of course also leads to busted brackets and boy are mine really screwed up! But it has also allowed me to see a lot of commercials. There seems to be three main advertisers now but I am going to talk about the car insurance ads tonight.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Just what I think is going to be a quick one tonight. This is something that I've been experiencing for a while.
I was an adopter of the first Motorola Droid, commonly called the Original Droid or OG Droid. It was a great experience until the number of apps started to climb and memory began to run low. At that point the phone began to get very slow and almost unusable. I started looking to find out when it would be upgraded to the Gingerbread just to find out that Motorola was ending upgrades for it. The reason for the interest in the upgrade was because of the promise of better memory management. Just what I needed to be able to have a useful phone again.
I was an adopter of the first Motorola Droid, commonly called the Original Droid or OG Droid. It was a great experience until the number of apps started to climb and memory began to run low. At that point the phone began to get very slow and almost unusable. I started looking to find out when it would be upgraded to the Gingerbread just to find out that Motorola was ending upgrades for it. The reason for the interest in the upgrade was because of the promise of better memory management. Just what I needed to be able to have a useful phone again.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I Deserve a Pension for Nothing
It is getting to be budget time once again, at least in New York, and the political ads stating how this politician has done something to hurt that group is starting up. And as you can guess it really irks me to no end!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Red Meat is Bad for You
Yesterday I got this pretty good rant early in the morning. Then I went to Best Buy and you can read about the rest in yesterday's post. So this pretty good one had to do with a report that eating red meat was bad for you. Nothing new there, we have known that for years. The new part of it has to do with the fact that it can reduce your lifespan significantly.
Proof of the Power of Translation
This article shows what the real story is behind the end of the Mayan calendar. Check it out for the truth and compare it to my earlier rant about it.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Best Buy Experience
So I have some good news, I was offered and accepted a position. To assist in my job search my mother offered to let me use her old laptop since it would allow me some flexibility in where I could search. Well needless to say, I got addicted to having a laptop. This is actually an amazing thing since I have always pushed people toward a desktop. So I decided that I wanted a new laptop because the one I was borrowing had Windows Vista and I hated it! And this brings us to tonight's post.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Stairs are Dangerous
You may have read the title of this post and said to yourself, "Really?" That is exactly what I said when they began talking about it on the world news the other day and I was reminded of it when I saw the re-run of the story on the local news tonight. I have hit on the subject of wasted taxpayer money before for grants to perform stupid research before I started blogging (even before I was doing it on Google+) but I think this one takes the cake.
How Irish are They
Kind of a relaxing day with no television at all. Pretty amazing to think that it actually happened where I went an entire day without it. So I really didn't get anything with regards to ranting material. But I do have one based on the great Irish holiday is coming upon us. I'm not sure just how many of you are in a situation like we are in Syracuse with a rather large Irish section but I find it amazing just
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Online Help
Tonight is one that didn't come from television. It is one from personal experience in an attempt to make this blog more visible and easier to follow via RSS readers such as Google Reader. It really frustrated me to no end that getting help, in this day and age, is so difficult. Why does it have to be?
State of College Sports
It is now the time of year that college basketball fans look forward to most. Even those that don't like the sport in general often find themselves wrapped up in the madness. And why the heck not? It is a test of not only the abilities of the players to compete but also a test of the ability of the coach to do their job. But tonight, while watching my beloved Orange lose, I was reminded of what
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Good evening once again. I didn't actually get to see a lot of television today so I've got to pull one out of the "vault" from just the other day. I'm sure that it is relevant somewhere today so I don't think it really matters that I picked it up earlier in the week. As you can guess, it has to do with the weather forecasting. Something that you need to keep in mind is that I completely understand that what they do is difficult because they are predicting future events, and they don't have a magic crystal ball. So I understand the fact that they are wrong quite often and that is acceptable in the field. What I don't get is
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Campaign Promises
For those that weren't paying attention, or are from outside the United States, yesterday was called Super Tuesday because of the number of states holding their primary voting. There was a total of 10 states and since the Democratic party is settled on President Obama, it was only for the Republicans. I am not one who really gets into politics, I generally pay enough attention to be able to make an informed decision as to who is the lesser of the evils. That's right, I believe all politicians are evil in that they don't represent the people at all. Instead I believe they only
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Smoker Cessation Program
I found a couple today and have to consider whether or not to write two tonight as both of them are really dumb and annoying. I'm going to go with this one because it has been bothering me for quite some time.
Let me begin with stating that I am not nor have I ever been a smoker. It isn't a habit that I support but I also think that things have gotten out of hand. In New York, a portion of the taxes raised from cigarette sales go to a smoking cessation program. Some of the large settlement that was awarded several states also goes toward this so the money coming from income taxes is really rather insignificant. So that isn't the biggest problem that I have with the program. The problem that I have is the
Let me begin with stating that I am not nor have I ever been a smoker. It isn't a habit that I support but I also think that things have gotten out of hand. In New York, a portion of the taxes raised from cigarette sales go to a smoking cessation program. Some of the large settlement that was awarded several states also goes toward this so the money coming from income taxes is really rather insignificant. So that isn't the biggest problem that I have with the program. The problem that I have is the
Monday, March 5, 2012
Today's Athletes
I had something minor to complain about earlier but it was just that, minor. I came across something that really set me off on a tangent to the point where I erased my post as it had little to do with the discussion and I thought it would be great to talk about here. It had to do with an article written by Charles P. Pierce for Grantland (The Saints, Head-hunting, and (Another) Disaster for the NFL) regarding something questionable that the Saints were doing. My feeling is that they got caught and they are being used as an example, I'm not going to go into that any further as my personal feeling is that it is a well done article that covers most of the issue. What I am going to go into though is
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Road Tests
So tonight's rant has to do with experiences from the day rather than something I've seen on television today. It is something that I have always been bothered with and came across today with nothing else to complain about so why not!
I have mentioned in several previous posts that I have lived in the Syracuse area all my life. And most people know that the Syracuse area averages around 120 inches of snow every year. Most of this snow is int he form of lake effect, which is much different than other types of storms. For those that don't know anything about lake effect snow, I'll give a little explanation before continuing.
I have mentioned in several previous posts that I have lived in the Syracuse area all my life. And most people know that the Syracuse area averages around 120 inches of snow every year. Most of this snow is int he form of lake effect, which is much different than other types of storms. For those that don't know anything about lake effect snow, I'll give a little explanation before continuing.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Biased News Coverage
As you may be able to guess by the title, I'm annoyed once again by the news media. This story happened to be on the Today Show.
So once before the news media covering the "innovative" release of iOS by Apple when it included Siri for the first time. I had a problem then and mentioned it one my personal Google+ page prior to starting this blog. The biggest problem that I had was that they called it innovative. To me innovation means that you, or the company you work for, created something that is completely different than anything else that is on the market.
So once before the news media covering the "innovative" release of iOS by Apple when it included Siri for the first time. I had a problem then and mentioned it one my personal Google+ page prior to starting this blog. The biggest problem that I had was that they called it innovative. To me innovation means that you, or the company you work for, created something that is completely different than anything else that is on the market.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Campaigning on the Taxpayers Dime
So tonight I am going to expand on the post that I came up with yesterday before it was so rudely interrupted by my COPPA finding. As you can guess by the title, I'm not really happy about something in politics again.
I check the "What's Hot" feature on Google+ just to find out what is on everyone's mind and to try to find some interesting people or companies to follow. I came across a post from The White House which is the official postings from the White House on Google+ that is supposed to talk about behind the scenes things and happenings. I found this a few days ago and was rather satisfied until yesterday when the post included the graphic included in here with this statement:

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Government Knows How to Raise Your Kids
So I had another politically based rant but that is going to have to take a back seat because I came across something that really irritated me.
I recently upgraded my phone and since they weren't going to offer me enough of a trade-in to justify giving it up because my kids would love to have it as a tablet. That has worked out fine but they are kids of a new era where they begin using computers in kindergarten, or in the case of my youngest, before school altogether. And he wants to use the calendar and a few other apps that require a Gmail account. So you may be thinking no problem, right?
I recently upgraded my phone and since they weren't going to offer me enough of a trade-in to justify giving it up because my kids would love to have it as a tablet. That has worked out fine but they are kids of a new era where they begin using computers in kindergarten, or in the case of my youngest, before school altogether. And he wants to use the calendar and a few other apps that require a Gmail account. So you may be thinking no problem, right?
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